Friday, July 19, 2024

A Reason God Spared Trump's Life

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We live in a time when politics in America are becoming more violent by the day, and it is incumbent upon every one of us to pray for our elected officials and work toward uniting Americans around the principles that have built and made our nation so great.

What we witnessed in Butler, Pennsylvania, was horrific. 

What we witnessed last night as former and future President Trump took the podium was remarkable.

God's ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are above our thoughts.

I'll be talking more about Trump's speech last night on the radio this morning. Please join me.

Be informed, not misled.


Many allies and even Democrats have come out embracing “divine intervention” to help explain how Donald Trump survived a harrowing assassination attempt in Pennsylvania.

Within hours of nearly losing his life, Donald Trump came out and told the American people on Truth Social: “God alone prevented the unthinkable from happening.”

The former president told a media outlet, “The most incredible thing was that I happened to not only turn [my head] but to turn at the exact right time and in just the right amount.” He went on to add, “I’m supposed to be dead, I’m not supposed to be here.”

He told the press that his speech would "now be completely different instead of the 'humdinger' aimed mostly at current President Joe Biden's policies he had previously planned."

“Had [Saturday's attack] not happened, this would’ve been one of the most incredible speeches."

He said, “Honestly, it’s going to be a whole different speech now. It is a chance to bring the country together.”

Trump said that the assassination attempt "has had an impact" on him.

Jason Jimenez, founder and president of Stand Strong Ministries, respected Christian-worldview speaker, and faculty member at Summit Ministries, says, "From the founding of America to its present day, God's divine guidance has steered the course of events, protecting and preserving those who seek His favor. This enduring providence, a cornerstone of faith, manifests in remarkable ways, offering protection, wisdom, and strength."

He continued, "When we talk about God's providence, we're talking about His absolute control and guidance over everything, making sure that His plans are carried out, even through the actions of flawed human leaders."

I can’t honestly tell you all the reasons why God providentially intervened to spare Trump's life, but it’s clear that he did. When God intervenes in such a public way, it’s usually His way of telling or reminding us He is in charge and is using certain people to advance His purposes on earth.

Jimenez notes, "One of the most straightforward illustrations of divine providence is found in the life of the prophet Daniel. Exiled to Babylon, Daniel remained steadfast in his faith, and God elevated him to a position of significant influence. Even when facing the threat of the lion's den, the Lord miraculously intervened to protect His faithful servant."

He was careful to explain, "I want to clarify that I'm not drawing a direct comparison between Trump and the prophet Daniel. But just as God’s providential hand was publicly displayed in Daniel’s life, so too was God’s protection over Trump televised to the world. Harper’s Bible Dictionary states that the providence of God “is not a principle of orderliness or reason; rather, providence is the will of the Creator who is actively involved in moving his creation to a goal. History is not a cyclical process of endless repetition; history is being moved toward the predetermined end.”

The Bible tells us what that predetermined end will look like and what to expect as we near that time.

"I believe God is actively involved in Trump’s life and is using him to accomplish specific goals for America," he says. "That does not mean God approves of Trump's every thought, belief, or action. It means God can and often uses the most unlikely people and circumstances to accomplish His divine purposes."

There is no greater purpose than people accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Three prominent religious leaders are expressing hope that former President Donald Trump’s “assassination attempt” will mark a “turning point” in his faith journey as the former president himself has attributed his survival to divine intervention.

Following the attempted assassination of Trump at a rally near Butler, Pennsylvania, Saturday, Pastor Greg Laurie of the California-based megachurch Harvest Church appeared on Trinity Broadcasting Network Sunday, where he offered his initial reactions to Trump, saying it was “God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.” Laurie responded to a question asking if the assassination attempt was a “life-changing event that could draw him into a more intimate relationship with God.”

Laurie said, “With President Trump publicly … acknowledging that it was God that stepped in, it’s very significant,” he said. “If he had just turned his head forward, he would probably be gone.”

Laurie added, “I pray that this is a turning point with President Trump. I’ve been in the Oval Office with him on two occasions where we’ve prayed for him, and I’ve been with him in a number of other settings.”

“Whenever someone says, ‘Can we pray for you, Mr. President?’ he always says, ‘Yes, please.’ He bows his head,” Laurie explained. “I pray that this would be a deepening of his faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord.” 


Pastor Jack Hibbs of the California-based megachurch Calvary Chapel Chino Hills delivered a message directly to Trump, encouraging him to use the assassination attempt as an opportunity to improve his relationship with God during his sermon Sunday.

He said, “Mr. President, if you’re watching this right now, your right ear was bloodied,” he noted. “It wasn’t your eye that got shot. It wasn’t your nose that got shot. It wasn’t your temple that was intended to be shot. Your ear was hit, but we would like and pledge and pray that you might bow your knee before the Lord Almighty.”

“This has been a warning by Almighty God that your ear might be sanctified. Will you hear this? Can you hear this? Listen to the Word of God. Stop talking about God and come to know God. It makes all the difference in the world.” 

Be Informed. Be Prayerful.