Monday, July 15, 2024

"Less Than An Inch" Would Have Rewritten History

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A split-second decision could have saved former President Trump's life during the shocking assassination attempt at his outdoor campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday, according to Israeli Special Operations veteran Aaron Cohen.

Abraham Lincoln, JFK, Reagan, and now Trump.

The world now knows that a 20-year-old named Thomas Matthew Crooks was able to position himself on top of a building within easy target range of Trump's podium.

As Crooks touched the trigger, something happened that changed the course of human events and our American history.

He missed. By less than an inch.

Here's why he missed.

Be informed, not misled.


I was shocked but not surprised. Leaders who actually lead have often been targeted by those who disagree with their vision.

Before we take a closer look at what happened Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, let me be clear:

I personally support Trump for President. I personally believe that God intervenes in the affairs of men and that God is in control.

I believe Trump is a person under God who is currently in a position to become president and who can change the current course of events for America in answer to the prayers of the people of God. 

As president, he created clear border policies that were very effective and biblically based.

The economy was recovering well from COVID-19, inflation was next to nothing, and there were no foreign wars. A temporary peace deal was nearly completed in the Middle East that did not include the misguided, non-biblical notion that any peace deal involving Israel must include a so-called "two-nation solution."

God promises to bless those who bless Israel. 

His plan does not involve Israel giving away the land He promised to them.

Trump, like the Founding Fathers of our nation, put everything on the line when he decided to run for president.

Unlike most---not all, but most elected officials, Trump did not seek to enrich himself by virtue of the power of his office. 

He never accepted his salary. Each paycheck was donated to some division of our government. In his private business, he "lost" money, not "made money," as so many other elected officials have and are doing.

I do not condone nor ignore many aspects of Trump's personal moral life, but I'm also mindful that all have sinned and come short. 

I believe that his skills and love for his country set him apart from others who sought the high office of president and failed.

Trump has consistently listened to men and women of God in taking his positions on moral issues and has, for the most part, taken a biblical stand, as opposed to the current president, who claims a "devout faith" but supports every moral movement that stands against biblical teaching.

I believe God intervened in these circumstances. 

With that in mind, here's how I see the events of Saturday.

"A split-second decision could have saved former President Trump's life during the shocking assassination attempt at his outdoor campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday," according to Israeli Special Operations veteran Aaron Cohen.

Hours after the incident, Cohen told Fox News that if the former president had not turned his head when the shot was fired, he would not have survived.

"God must have been watching down on the president," he said.

Cohen noted that "Snipers are typically trained to shoot into the cerebral cortex at the top of the brain stem. It incapacitates you, it keeps your hands from moving…  It's about the distance of the shot. One hundred-thirty yards. That's a putt. Anyone can put a two, two, three, optic on a target from that distance and hit it. It's not a difficult shot to make."

He continued, "It's very clear to me that had the president's head been straight, and if that round had gone into the ear, it would have been lights out. The fact that he just happened to be turned this way with that shot coming in is what saved his life."

Experts estimate the shot that grazed the former president's ear came within mere centimeters---"less than an inch"--- of being fatal.

RE the shooter and what led up to the shooting.

According to former classmates of 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, he was a "kid that was always alone” and was “bullied so much” for the things he wore, including “always [wearing] a mask even after COVID.”

The New York Post is reporting that "The 20-year-old man who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania Saturday was described by former classmates as a bullied loner with a penchant for hunting outfits and video games."

Thomas Matthew Crooks was killed by the Secret Service on Saturday evening after he opened fire at the Butler Farm Show grounds, grazing Trump and killing another attendee.

Crooks – who graduated from Bethel Park High School in 2022 – was a loner who was “relentlessly” bullied, former classmate Jason Kohler told KDKA.

And then there's this:

Investigative reporter Laura Loomer has uncovered a BlackRock ad from 2023 that appears to feature Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old shooter who tried assassinating President Donald Trump at his campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday evening.

BlackRock has deep ties to Biden, with many former executives and employees being hired to fill his administration.

The BlackRock ad was filmed at Bethel Park High School, which Crooks attended.

In a strange twist, Joe Biden’s longtime advisor, Michael C. Donilon, is the brother of Thomas E. Donilon, the chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute, the firm’s global think tank.

Huckabee says there's no one to blame but Joe Biden.

President Joe Biden is under fire for calling former President Donald Trump a “genuine threat to this nation” two weeks before an assassination attempt was made on him at a campaign rally.

“Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for,” Biden wrote in a June 28 X post:

Jacqueline Marsaw, a field director for Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), expressed disappointment in a now-deleted Facebook post that a shooter failed to assassinate former President Donald Trump on Saturday in Pennsylvania.

“I don’t condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time ooops [sic] that wasn’t me talking.”

Just last month Bennie Thompson mocked GOP criticisms for the Biden administration wanting to strip Trump's security team from his campaign.

In the wake of the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life, a video has surfaced of Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson saying in 2015, “They’re still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump,” Wilson said. “And that’s a fact.”

In an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes before Trump had secured the nomination, Wilson said, “Trump is still a very powerful force right now” because of his “nativist” message appealing to the base, adding the GOP donor class “can’t just sit back on the sidelines and say, ‘oh well, don’t worry, this will all work itself out.’”


John Nolte wrote yesterday, "For nearly ten years, the media have lied about this man colluding with Russia to steal a presidential election, lied about him being a unique threat to democracy, lied about him being a rapist, lied about him describing Nazis as 'very fine people,' lied about him being a racist, lied about him trashing WWII troops, lied about him launching an insurrection, lied about him wanting to inject bleach into the sick, lied about him putting kids in cages, lied about him assaulting Secret Service agents, and lied about him being the second coming of Adolf Hitler."

He said, "These assassination dog whistles — which is how I’ve described them for years — these not-at-all subtle calls from the corporate media for a patriotic American to take the New Hitler out, has finally borne the fruit of a near-political assassination."

"When you lie about Donald Trump being the next 'George Wallace,' an assassination is what you want."

This is a spiritual culture war, not a political war.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.