Friday, September 27, 2024

Coca-Cola Faces Boycott Over ‘Trump 2024’ And ‘Jesus’

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Coca-Cola is offering personalized cans of their drink- your name, a friend's name, or someone important to you on the can.

The Coke company thought it was a great marketing tool until those pesky conservatives and Christians began wanting their special names on the cans of Coke.

Coke is handling the reaction from consumers with the same grace that Bud Lite company handled its "transgender" disaster some months ago.

Now, there is a possible boycott brewing.

Be informed, not misled.

Breitbart News reports, "Coca-Cola is facing boycott calls after people on social media revealed that the company was not allowing 'Trump 2024' or 'Jesus' to be placed on the cans."

While people attempting to personalize cans with messages such as “Trump 2024” or “Jesus loves you” have received alerts stating that the name is “not approved,” other messages such as “Harris Walz 2024,” “Satan,” and “Allah” were reportedly allowed prior to the company fixing a “glitch,” according to the outlet.

The X account for Libs of TikTok posted photos showing that “Harris Walz 2024” had been an approved message on a can, while the message “Trump 2024” was met with a warning that said, “The name you requested is not approved.”

“Names and phrases may not be approved if they are trademarked, political in nature, names of countries, celebrities, religious figures, as well as anything that could be considered offensive for other reasons,” the message from the company continued. “Oftentimes, a name might be accepted if you add a last name to the submission.”

Would "Jesus Christ" be acceptable to Coke?"

Tim Young posted on X, “Coca-Cola won’t let you personalize a can with ‘Jesus’ …but allows Satan and Allah, why do they discriminate against Christianity?”

Good question.

Coke's reflex response is much the same as most companies in our depraved culture today. A quick "no" on "Jesus" and a warm act of diversity, equity, and inclusion on Satan and Allah.

I noticed another person wrote on X: “Is it time for Coke to get the Bud Light treatment?” 

The company's alleged glitch was first reported by Antwoine Hill and has been “circulated widely after” the Libs of TikTok brought attention to it, according to the outlet.

In a video on Facebook, Hill shared how “at the Coke store,” you were able to personalize the cans with “Allah loves you,” but not Jesus.

Upon typing the name Jesus, Hill was met with a message that said, “Sadly, we cannot automatically allow this text on the can.”

“Everything else is good, though,” Hill says in his video. “Even if I put, let’s see, Satan. Satan loves you. You could put that. You could put Satan loves you, Allah loves you, Buddha loves you. But, when you type in this word, you can’t even type the word in.”

So, it's "no" to the name of Jesus. And apparently, "Trump."

And "yes" to Allah, Buddha, Satan, Kamala, Harris, Walz, and whomever else.

In an interview with the Daily Dot, Hill explained that he would “support the boycott” if it sent the message that Christians “stand for the name of Jesus.”

“I support the boycott, if it sends the message that we stand for the name of Jesus,” Hill told the outlet. “I’m also very conflicted with the whole thing because I’m in the streets daily seeing the much bigger issues, drugs, violence, homelessness … so for me this just doesn’t seem nearly as big as these issues, but nonetheless I won’t support any company that doesn’t support Jesus.”

Is Coke about to take a bloodbath like Disney continues to experience?

Yesterday, Breitbart News reported that the Disney bloodbath keeps worsening, with a new round of layoffs expected to impact hundreds of corporate employees this week.

An estimated 300 people are affected by the layoffs that started Tuesday and are continuing at least through Thursday, according to a Deadline report. The employees affected are all in the U.S., with multiple divisions impacted, including legal, human resources, finance, and communications.

Last year, Disney eliminated 7,000 jobs worldwide, with CEO Bob Iger promising an additional $2 billion in additional cost savings.

Bud Light continues to struggle from their misreading the American people.

America is at a spiritual crossroads.

David Barton, one of America's finest Christian historians, said yesterday, "Christians hold the key to elections, but will they show up?"

"Since there seems to be a correlation between voting Christians and those who have heard sermons about the importance of voting, church leaders must do more," he says.

Barton says, "America is in a spiritual crisis. A nation that was founded on Christian principles, a nation that invoked God in its origins, a nation that has turned to the same God for nearly a quarter-millennium has nearly overnight rebuked Him and has largely abandoned His truth."

Case in point, the newest polling from renowned pollster George Barna finds that only 59% of practicing Christians say they will vote in the November 5 election. If churchgoing Christians make up 80 million of America’s 333 million people, that means only 48 million practicing Christians are headed to the polls.

Voting is our civic duty, a practice that America’s founders enshrined in the Constitution to ensure that all Americans can share in the process of creating a more perfect union. How often are we at a church service or backyard barbecue when we hear Christians of good faith lament on the state of our union? Yet as Barna’s polling shows, only about six in 10 of these people will make the effort to facilitate change. Even worse, one out of every 10 of these Christians refuse to vote at all.

As discouraging as these numbers are, they get worse as one digs into Barna’s polling.

Take, for instance, the startingly high number (42%) of Christians who support abortion on demand — that is the right to an “abortion under any circumstance.” That's an alarmingly high number of proclaimed Christians willing to accept the killing of an innocent baby, no matter the reason.

If Christian-backed abortion isn’t disturbing enough, nearly one-third (29%) of American Christians say they prefer socialism to capitalism. Yes, they accept the secular ideology responsible for tens, if not hundreds, of millions of deaths over the past century, rather than a system that incentivizes accountability.

It is also alarming that more than half (56%) of Christians reject absolute moral truth despite it being conveyed through scripture — claiming that “identifying moral truth is up to each individual; there are no moral absolutes that apply to everyone, all the time.”

Barton asks, "Where is church leadership? Where are the shepherds who were called by Christ to lead His flock? Are they informing their congregations of God’s truth as it relates to our nation’s sad current state of affairs?"

We shouldn’t be surprised that the number of Christians who claim to have heard sermons or teachings about the Bible’s stand on specific issues (61%) or were encouraged to vote by their churches (56%) is nearly identical to the number of Christians planning to vote.

"Church leaders have a duty to guide their congregations into a closer relationship with Christ. Part of that relationship includes participating in voting efforts and encouraging civic action. In fact, another Barna poll found that 17% of Christians who don’t plan to vote would participate on Election Day if they were told that voting is a “biblical responsibility of every Christian,” he said.


As Americans, we also have a duty not only to leave future generations better off, but also to honor our founders and ultimately God by preserving the republic and upholding the unalienable rights He has granted us. Casting your ballot is the perfect start.

No wonder companies like Coke, Target, Bud Light, Disney, and other product promoters think everyone in America shares their worldviews.

Stats seem to almost back that up.

However, there is still a remnant of believers in America who believe that Jesus is Lord, God is Almighty, the Bible is inspired and infallible, and there are indeed absolutes and absolute Truth that is true in every case, every time.

They believe America is exceptional and that God will forgive us if we humble ourselves and pray, asking for His forgiveness as we turn away from our wicked ways.

We are about to see how many of us there are as we express ourselves on November 5.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful. VOTE.