Monday, September 30, 2024

Illegals Are Killing America

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More than 647,000 illegal immigrants convicted or suspected of sexual assault, homicide, and other heinous crimes are roaming free in the United States, federal immigration authorities confirmed last week. 

The revelation came in a letter sent to Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Deputy Director and Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Director Patrick Lechleitner. 

This alarming information was released as Kamala Harris visited the border for a photo-op trying to remove the political albatross of an open border from around her neck.

Many commented they didn't think it helped her to be wearing a $62,000 Tiffany necklace for her appearance because it affirmed just how out of touch she really is. 

Here's the breakdown of the 647,000 illegals roaming around the US.

Be informed, not misled.

The agency's data showed that as of July of this year, 425,431 noncitizens were convicted of criminal offenses, many of them serious, and 222,141 noncitizens with pending criminal charges were currently not in ICE custody.

Fox News says, “Those include 62,231 convicted of assault, 14,301 convicted of burglary, 56,533 with drug convictions and 13,099 convicted of homicide,” as well as “an additional 2,521 [with] kidnapping convictions and 15,811 [with] sexual assault convictions.”

Those with pending charges are facing allegations of similar offenses.

The acting agency head also took a swipe at Democrat-run “sanctuary cities,” writing that “‘sanctuary’ policies can end up shielding dangerous criminals, who often victimize those same communities.”

Fox also notes, "There are an additional 1,845 with pending homicide charges, 42,915 with assault charges, 3,266 with burglary charges, and 4,250 with assault charges."

"As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket—13,099 criminally convicted MURDERS!" Gonzales said in a statement.

He concluded, "Americans deserve to be SAFE in our own communities."

It has always been the expectation of tax-paying citizens that the most important role of government is to protect the God-given rights of the citizens and provide protection and safety.

In a statement accompanying the latter, ICE took aim at so-called "sanctuary" cities, which refuse to cooperate with federal law enforcement in deporting illegal immigrant criminals.

"ICE recognizes that some jurisdictions are concerned that cooperating with federal immigration officials will erode trust with immigrant communities and make it harder for local law enforcement to serve those populations. However, ‘sanctuary’ policies can end up shielding dangerous criminals, who often victimize those same communities," it said.

And that's exactly what's happening.

We argue about illegal immigration, but we should be arguing about assimilation and what it means to be a nation.

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green told Fox News, "It may be shocking to hear that the Biden-Harris administration is actively releasing tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens into our communities, but their own numbers conclusively prove this to be the case. This defies all common sense." 

He said, "Under President Biden and his ‘border czar,’ Vice President Harris, DHS law enforcement has been directed to mass-release illegal aliens whom they know have criminal convictions or are facing charges for serious crimes—and these dangerous, destructive individuals are making their way into every city and state in this country. How many more Americans need to die or be victimized before this administration is forced to abide by the laws they swore to uphold? This is madness. It is something no civilized, well-functioning society should tolerate."

The data was released as Vice President Kamala Harris visited the southern border in Arizona, seeking to blunt former President Trump's criticism on the matter and renew her call for a border bill. 

Conservatives were not swayed by the visit.

"Border Czar Kamala Harris has had nearly four years to protect America and failed," RJ Hauman, president of the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), told Fox News Digital in response to the data. "She is allowing tens of thousands of murderers and rapists to roam free. She puts criminals first and the safety and security of you and your family last."

The Wall Street Journal says, "Vice President Kamala Harris visited the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona on Friday in an effort to convince voters, who give Donald Trump a significant edge over her on immigration, that she will give priority to border security by proposing even stricter asylum restrictions than President Biden."

Why would she now be aggressive in protecting American citizens, while for three and a half years she and Biden have done nothing but essentially open our borders and even fly illegals into the US from countries around the world? 


Harris is in way over her head

The millions of immigrants illegally arriving in America by either walking across the border or simply boarding a plane provided by the Biden-Harris administration and flying into the country will destroy our nation as we know it.

After the recent presidential debate, J.D. Vance told CNN’s Kaitlin Collins the only reason the media is talking about places like Springfield, Ohio, is because the right turned the cats and geese thing into a meme. He reiterated the point in a hostile interview with Dana Bash on CNN, saying these concerns about Haitian immigrants have been brought to him directly by his constituents — concerns the media totally ignored until he and Trump started talking about them.

John Daniel Davidson writes, "Vance is right. One of the purposes of a meme is to reveal a deep truth, not to prove a specific claim. In this case, the deep truth is that mass immigration destabilizes and destroys communities, in part by bringing in people who haven’t assimilated to the host country and don’t share its mores and way of life, which is exactly what’s happening in Springfield, Ohio and towns like it across America under the Biden-Harris administration. Haitians allegedly slaughtering and eating cats and geese is just a particularly dramatic instance of the phenomenon."

Davidson continues, "Under these circumstances, it’s clear that America is in no shape to absorb and assimilate large numbers of migrants, legal or illegal, from any corner of the globe, but especially from places whose customs and folkways are so decidedly unlike our own, like Haiti. Those who insist that we do, and oppose all efforts to prevent mass illegal immigration, have reasons and interests of their own quite apart from what’s best for America and its people."

He says, "They are the ones denouncing Vance and Trump as racists for making a meme out of reports of Haitians eating cats and dogs in Springfield. Don’t listen to them. They might hold American citizenship, but they are not really your countrymen. The truth is they have no country at all."

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Sober. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.