Friday, September 13, 2024

Mail-in Voting Raise Big Concerns For Upcoming Presidential Election.

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A group of state and local election officials voiced concerns Wednesday regarding the U.S. Postal Service’s (USPS) capacity to efficiently deliver millions of ballots for the 2024 presidential election.

Mail-in voting is rife with problems. This is the latest one.

Be informed, not misled.


A group of state and local election officials voiced concerns Wednesday regarding the U.S. Postal Service’s (USPS) capacity. 

The National Association of State Election Directors and other officials wrote a letter to U.S. Postal Service Postmaster Louis DeJoy expressing concerns about USPS’ operations, such as processing delays, lost or delayed election mail, and insufficient training that could impact the timely and accurate delivery of election mail. The officials stated in the letter that mailed ballots, postmarked by the required date during the past year and recent primary season, arrived at local election offices several days past the deadline for counting.

The officials also noted that election mail, despite being correctly addressed, was being returned as undeliverable, according to the letter. Despite ongoing discussions with USPS election personnel, the officials reported no noticeable improvements or proactive measures to address their concerns.

“We have not seen improvement or concerted efforts to remediate our concerns,” the letter said. “In fact, many of the issues raised by election officials are echoed in the recent findings of the USPS Office of Inspector General Audit.”

Reuters says, quoting USPS, "USPS implements 'extraordinary measures' to speed delivery of ballots two weeks before the day of the general election, including steps like additional pickups, extra deliveries, and special sort plans on processing equipment."

USPS said in the 2020 general election, it delivered 99.89% of ballots from voters to election officials within seven days. Voting by mail is set to begin in mid-September.

An inspector general's office report in July found some USPS operational changes "pose a risk of individual ballots not being counted" and made recommendations to improve readiness for timely processing and delivery of ballots.

In December 2021, USPS and the NAACP reached a settlement to resolve a 2020 lawsuit over election mail that the Justice Department said would ensure prioritizing delivering ballots in future elections.

"Mail-in ballots a threat to our democracy."

Four years ago this month (2020), Attorney General of Texas Ken Paxton wrote an OP-ED arguing that mail-in voting threatens our democracy.

I'll summarize some of his comments and include them with my own. I encourage everyone to read his entire piece.

There are many reasons why we should not make mail-in voting the norm. It should be the exception.

Paxton noted, "Our democracy is threatened, this time by way of the post office. Democrats across the nation are pushing mail-in ballots for every voter in November. Not wanting to let the crisis caused by COVID-19 go to waste, they’ve disguised their plot to manipulate the integrity of our election system by arguing that voters fear contracting COVID-19 if they physically show up to the polls. Democrat leadership clearly wants non-citizens to vote, which is ironic since they also claim to be concerned about foreign influence over our elections. The Left is willing to mar our democracy for a chance at winning at the ballot box. That is simply un-American."

Four years later, 2024, there is still the passion of the Left to make all voting mail-in. However, there are millions and millions more illegal aliens in our country today than in 2020.

Paxton says, "It is also no secret that both sides of the political aisle have long agreed that voting by mail-in ballot increases the likelihood of fraud. During a 2004 Congressional hearing, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-NY, said, 'In my experience in New York, paper ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud. I could show you experience which would make your head spin.' Just two years ago in a legislative hearing in Austin, a prosecutor from South Texas (and registered Democrat) testified: 'Any time you have ballots that are outside the polling location, you’re going to have fraud…I would never recommend everyone voting by mail – it invites fraud.'”

He says, "Democrats are selling Americans a false narrative; election integrity will jeopardize personal safety."

Four years ago, the Left was using the excuse of COVID to push mail-in voting. Now, if people are required to go to the polls and vote in person, we are now being told it will suppress the vote from minorities.

Let me add that I believe there is a legitimate need for some to vote by mail: citizens living overseas, the military, the infirm, etc. But I strongly oppose the all-mail-in vote.

I also understand that anyone who disagrees with the Leftist agenda to ultimately make all voting mail-in voting is labeled a denier. Or worse.

Paxton says, "In Texas, to prevent fraud, we must show an ID when we vote just as we are required to show a form of ID at the airport, government buildings, financial institutions, and during many other daily activities. But there is no effective way for election officials to ensure that mail-in ballots are not requested fraudulently. Just as credit card skimmers can steal your financial information, vote harvesters can easily collect 'authentic' signatures under false pretenses and steal your vote. During the 2018 primary, an anonymous video surfaced that appears to show how easily a Houston-area campaign worker collected a ballot application and signature from a voter in less than 20 seconds. After providing her signature, the voter asked the worker, 'Is this legal, what you’re doing?' The worker replied, 'Yes, ma’am, we’ve done 400 already.'”

The A/G says, "Once mail ballots go out, harvesters show up at a voter’s door and offer 'voting assistance.' They often appear friendly, and helpful. Successful vote harvesters leave with a voter’s signature and a ballot that is blank, that is 'correctly' voted, or that can be modified later. The harvester can simply discard the ballot if the voter chooses the 'wrong' candidate. Done effectively, the process is largely invisible to the voter, who is led to believe their ballot was cast according to their wishes."

"The common denominator in mail ballot fraud is that the votes of the victims are canceled and replaced by those of paid campaign workers," Paxton says. "Every fraudulent vote disenfranchises a lawful voter by canceling out their lawful vote."


"Politically-motivated groups want to scare us into allowing what amounts to unlimited vote by mail. In doing so, they are stealing your right to vote. Democrats distract the public with talk of foreign involvement in our elections while they are brazenly creating election interference themselves. If we willfully compromise the integrity of our election process, we are threatening the future of our country as we know it. Let’s work together to stop them and keep our elections safe, fair, and honest."

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Sober. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful. Beware. VOTE.