Thursday, September 19, 2024

Same People Investigating Trump Are Also Investigating Assassination Attempts

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says the same people who are investigating Trump for a number of so-called "crimes" are also investigating the attempted assassination attempts on his life.   

"That," he says, "is not in the best interest of the nation."

Very true. Neither is it in Trump's best interest.

Be informed, not misled.

The Federalist says, "Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an executive order on Tuesday assigning the Attorney General’s Office of Statewide Prosecution and Florida agencies to oversee the state’s independent investigation into the second assassination attempt against President Donald Trump."

“It’s not in the best interest of our state or our nation to have the same federal agencies that are seeking to prosecute Donald Trump leading this investigation,” DeSantis said during a press conference, noting how this is “especially [true] when the most serious, straightforward offense constitutes a violation of state law, but not federal law.”

“In addition to holding the suspect accountable, the public deserves to know the truth about how this assassination [attempt] came to be,” he continued.

The New York Post noted that Ryan Routh is a longtime Democratic donor who has regurgitated “anti-Trump rhetoric” often used by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Hillary Clinton and other so-called "progressives" also regularly "regurgitate" this hatred toward Trump.

To say this has no effect on the public, particularly people with mental issues, is foolish and dishonest.

The Federalist continues:

DeSantis’ executive order directs the state’s Departments of Law Enforcement and Highway Patrol to “work with all state, regional, local governmental agencies, and federal agencies to conduct a robust and thorough investigation into the attempted assassination” against Trump. It also assigns the case to the Attorney General’s Office of Statewide Prosecution, — “under the supervision of Attorney General Ashley Moody,” DeSantis noted — to collaborate with these entities to “ensure that charges are brought for all violations of state law and to ensure public transparency in the investigatory process.”

“This deranged, would-be assassin broke Florida law, and we will not wait on the federal government to act,” Moody said in a Tuesday release. “Florida is launching its own investigation, and I have directed my statewide prosecutors to assist FDLE and FHP as we work quickly to uncover the facts behind this latest attempt on President Trump’s life and provide trust and transparency to the American people.”

America has lost trust in our institutions because there's hypocrisy and no transparency.

DeSantis reflected what many of us have come to see: “I think back about what happened in Las Vegas, back 6, 7 years ago. We never got any answers about that. I think back about what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, [and we haven’t] gotten very many answers about that,” DeSantis said. “I think that that really erodes public confidence, and I think the Florida agencies working from local on up have an opportunity to do a thorough investigation and then to provide the truth about what happened.”

I would add the shooting at the Nashville Christian school by a trans person who hated the school has also gotten very little light.

In fact, America still doesn't know the details behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. However, Kennedy's nephew, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has begun to shed some light on that issue. And Trump has promised to release the Kennedy files to the public if elected.

“There’s two really significant interests: Holding him [the would-be assassin] accountable and then delivering the truth about how this could have happened,” DeSantis added.

Another question that is on the minds of many Americans is whether others were involved with the would-be assassins? And if so, who? 

There's good reason for Americans losing trust in our institutions.

Hillary Clinton is an example. 

She appeared on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show" Monday, encouraging fellow travelers to continue with the anti-Trump rhetoric that set the stage for two assassination attempts and recommending the prosecution of American citizens over so-called undesirable speech.

Yes, "undesirable speech." Undesirable to whom?

After Maddow's concern-mongered without interruption for over a minute, Clinton suggested that the mainstream media's failure to "cover Trump the way that they should" has "threatened the physical safety of so many people."

Clinton was not referring to President Donald Trump, who was targeted for assassination the previous day, but rather the illegal aliens he has criticized.

"I don't understand why it's so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative," she said.

Is she really suggesting that the press---the news media, should all report the same thing from the same point of view at the same time?

Yes, she is. Lenin created the concept from Karl Marx's ideas. Saul Alinsky, who offered Hillary a job while she was in college, taught radicals how to establish one press—one message.

Clinton intimated that dissenting views are the problem — that the press should adopt a single narrative moving forward.

"I don't understand why it's so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is," said Clinton, a proponent of the Russian collusion hoax and an advocate for punishing standout journalists who faithfully fulfilled their duty.

The Leftist movement in America has no restraint because their cause is so noble in their eyes it justifies any means to attain their goals for the country.

Yesterday, Fox News' Jesse Waters explained how Biden has been very involved in determining how much security former President Trump received as a candidate.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was outraged after Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy challenged her about her rhetoric after the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump. 

Doocy pointed to Jean-Pierre's comments describing Trump as a "threat" at Tuesday's media briefing.

“It’s been only two days since somebody allegedly tried to kill Donald Trump again, and you’re here at the podium in the White House briefing room calling him a ‘threat.’ How many more assassination attempts on Donald Trump until the president and the vice president and you pick a different word to describe Trump other than ‘threat’?” Doocy asked.

Jean-Pierre appeared frustrated and angry during her response.

"Peter, if anything from this administration, I actually completely disagree with the premise of your question. The question that you’re asking, it is also incredibly dangerous in the way that you’re asking it," she responded.

"Because the American people are watching and to say that, to say that from an administration that has consistently condemned political violence....and now for you to make that kind of comment in your question, because your question involved a comment and a statement," Jean-Pierre continued.

"And that is also incredibly dangerous," she added. "When we have been very clear about condemning political violence from here."

The entire 5-minute exchange can be seen here.


We live in dark times that require God's people to be informed and to be discerning.

Sean McDowell, Josh McDowell's son, has written a book titled So The Next Generation Will Know.

In it, he discusses discerning the times in which we live and gives four steps to biblical discernment.

  1. First, begin with the fear of the Lord. Scripture repeatedly says that fearing God is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge (Prov. 9:10; Ps. 111:10). Paul says that in Christ “are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3). We must begin our pursuit of understanding with the recognition that God is the all-powerful, all-good Creator of the universe and that truth is found in Him.
  2. Second, grow in the fruits of the Spirit in order to correct the biases and corruptions of our own hearts (Gal. 5:22-24). Only when we cultivate love, joy, peace, and so on through spiritual disciplines can we develop the openness to correction and the fortitude to follow truth wherever it leads.
  3. Third, be led by the Spirit. Guinness writes, “It is essential that we are led by the direct prompting of God’s spirit, for only the Spirit of God knows the truth of the situation, and he alone can cleanse our muddied lenses and open our eyes to see what is really happening and what God is really doing in our time” (p. 85).
  4. Fourth, study and research. If we want to discern the times, we need to tirelessly read (or watch or listen to) the news, blogs, books, and other sources of information. In particular, read people who are good at discerning the times (this is one reason I read Os Guinness!). 

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Sober. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful. VOTE.