Wednesday, September 18, 2024

ABC Moderator Admits They Targeted Trump

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Twice that we know of, Trump haters have targeted him in attempts to assassinate the former president.

The Biden-Harris Administration's Justice Department has targeted him with dozens of charges in their attempt to take him out of his 2024 presidential campaign.

Now ABC News' Linsey Davis, one of the moderators for last week's presidential debate, admitted to the Los Angeles Times that the plan for the debate was to only fact-check Trump. There was no plan to fact-check Kamala Harris, although she lied repeatedly during the debate.

Linsey Davis and co-moderator David Muir fact-checked Trump seven times — often incorrectly — while never fact-checking Harris once, even when she used hoaxes, such as the Charlottesville “very fine people” hoax.

Davis told the L.A. Times that ABC had deliberately targeted Trump—and only Trump—because of perceptions that he had been allowed to get away with false statements in the CNN debate against President Joe Biden in late June.

The New York Post noted:

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Davis said she wanted to address concerns that Trump’s statements could be allowed to “hang” there unchallenged by his opponent or the moderators, as they were when Trump and Biden debate on CNN in June.

“Davis, wearing pink glasses while speaking to The Times over breakfast at the Ritz Carlton in Philadelphia, said the decision to attempt to correct the candidates was in response to the June 27 CNN debate between Trump and President Biden, whose poor performance led to his exit from the race,” the Times reported.

“People were concerned that statements were allowed to just hang and not [be] disputed by the candidate Biden, at the time, or the moderators,” Davis told the outlet on Wednesday morning.

Davis admitted that the moderators studied past statements — “Politicians tend to say the same things again and again” — but somehow did not prepare to check Harris’s repeated use of hoaxes. (Harris used the “very fine people” hoax in 2020 during the vice presidential debate with Mike Pence, who fact-checked her onstage then.)

In the June debate, Biden also used the “fine people hoax” and other lies, and CNN did not fact-check him, either.

In one viral moment, Davis sternly told Trump that “there is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born,” after Trump invoked former Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s remarks in 2019 suggesting a live baby could be killed after being born, following a “discussion” between the physician and the mother. 

Davis said she wanted to address concerns that Trump’s statements could be allowed to “hang” there unchallenged by his opponent or the moderators, as they were when Trump and Biden debated on CNN in June.

While liberals celebrated the moment, one pro-life group demanded a correction from ABC News, saying Davis’ comments were “100% inaccurate.”

Since the debate, critics have slammed Muir and Davis for appearing biased toward Vice President Kamala Harris. The debate moderators fact-checked Trump seven times and failed to correct Harris a single time on Tuesday evening. 

While Leftist ABC "news" anchors were supposedly exposing lies, the legacy news heads and the Biden Administration have created a culture of lies.

The Times reported that Davis countered accusations of bias by stating that she and Muir could not catch every misstatement without noting that none of Harris’ incorrect statements received rebukes.

The Media Lies of the Left

Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote a commentary warning that "media lies are adding up."

These are some excerpts from his article:

The public is exhausted after a decade of chronic untruth from the left-wing and its media.

The 2016 presidential campaign will be long remembered for the false allegation that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to warp the election.

Some 22 months later, Mueller found no evidence that Trump improperly won the 2016 election with help from any colluding Russians.

More hysteria followed when Trump was impeached in December 2019.

The Left claimed Trump had pressured the Ukrainian government to look into the family of Joe Biden (then a potential 2020 election opponent) for its corruption with Ukrainian oligarchs—as a condition for releasing military aid designated to Kyiv.

Yet Hunter Biden was paid nearly $1 million a year by a Ukrainian energy company to enlist his father, Vice President Joe Biden, for quid pro quo services.

In turn, Joe Biden himself later bragged that he had pressured Ukraine to fire its prosecutor, Victor Shokin —who happened to be looking too closely into the various shady schemes of the Biden family.

During the 2020 Democratic primaries, the general election, and throughout the first three years of the Biden administration, it was evident that Joe Biden was physically and mentally incapable of serving as president.

Yet his aides and the media all misled the American people. They insisted that Biden was vigorous and sharp.

Then suddenly in June 2024, within a 24-hour period, Biden was declared by these same insiders as unfit to continue as the Democratic nominee.

As he does so well, Hanson summarizes the attack on truth and democracy in the so-called news media culture.


Hanson summarizes:

In sum, for some nine years, the media and the Left have successfully fed the country a succession of rank deceptions and conspiracies.

They did so because they proclaimed Trump too dangerous to be president and therefore any means they employed to stop him were to be justified. And they are doing so yet a third time in 2024.

As they continue, they have all but destroyed democracy, ruined the reputation of the media, alienated the public—and embarrassed their country before the world.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Sober. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful. VOTE.