Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Trump Assassination Attempt #2

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Ryan Wesley Routh, the 58-year-old alleged would-be Trump assassin, was charged with felon in possession of a firearm in federal court Monday, just hours after he was arrested in Florida.

Routh fled the scene of Trump’s Palm Beach golf course Sunday after allegedly being spotted pointing a rifle through the fence by the Secret Service. Law enforcement found an AK-style rifle, two backpacks, and a Go-Pro camera in the bushes where Routh had allegedly taken a position prior to fleeing.

For millions of Leftists, it has become the norm---a "woman's right" to kill the unwanted unborn child.

Is it now becoming the norm to attempt to kill the politicians you oppose rather than just not voting for them?

Be informed, not misled.

ABC 11 reported that “prosecutors levied two charges against him: possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number.”

The felony stems from an incident in which Routh allegedly barricaded himself and had a standoff with police in 2002. The Greensboro News & Record noted that once the standoff ended, Routh was arrested and “charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a weapon of mass destruction, referring to a fully automatic machine gun.”

Routh fled the scene of Trump’s Palm Beach golf course Sunday after allegedly being spotted pointing a rifle through the fence by the Secret Service. 

Felons face 100 percent gun control and are barred from purchasing or possessing firearms.

Clearly, gun control measures had no effect on this felon. 

A culture with a "seared conscience."

When news broke Sunday of a second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at Trump International Golf Club in Florida, blogger Rachel Vindman took to social media to dismiss the deadly attempt.

So, who is Rachel Vindman?

“No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon.” Vindman flippantly posted on X. Rachel Vindman is the wife of Alexander Vindman, the military official at the heart of the second impeachment effort against Trump. Alexander’s twin brother is Eugene Vindman, a Virginia Democrat seeking a U.S. House of Representatives seat.

Rachel Vindman’s post mocking this second assassination attempt received thousands of angry responses. About an hour after her first post, basking in the attention of so many internet strangers, Vindman posted again.  

“Sorry you’re triggered … I mean, no, I’m not. I don’t care a little bit.”

She doubled down a few hours later.

“Trump has been inciting violence against his enemies for years. He douses a situation in gasoline, lights a match, & walks away claiming no responsibility. Look at what is happening in Springfield, [Ohio] right now but he wants to claim he’s a victim. You cannot have it both ways.”

Rachel and Alexander Vindman produced an advertisement in 2020 with the Lincoln Project, urging people not to vote for Trump.

Now Alexander Vindman leads a national security think tank, the Institute for Informed American Leadership, and is a member of the executive board for the Renew Democracy Initiative, a $10.4 million nonprofit that aims to “inspire those in the United States and in other free countries to value and protect their own democracies.”

He is also president of the Here Right Matters Foundation, another nonprofit dedicated to fueling Ukraine’s war with Russia. His twin brother, Eugene Vindman, is secretary and treasurer of the same nonprofit. The twins were born in Ukraine.

Eugene Vindman worked at the NCS at the same time as his brother as a legal advisor focused on international partnerships, human rights, and ethics. He became the NSC’s senior ethics official in the White House and was involved in bringing Trump impeachment charges forward.

Alleged Trump Attacker Praised NBC’s Lester Holt, Who Blamed Trump For Latest Assassination Attempt.

Holt took to the air on Sunday to blame Trump for the attempted assassination by linking him to unsubstantiated bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio.

Hours after former President Donald Trump narrowly avoided a second assassination attempt, NBC News’s Lester Holt fanned the flames of violence by blaming Trump’s “rhetoric” rather than the suspected would-be assassin, who once praised Holt.

"Today’s apparent assassination attempt comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail itself,” Holt said. “Mr. Trump, his running mate JD Vance, continue to make baseless claims about Haitian immigrants in [Springfield] Ohio. This weekend, there were new bomb threats in that town.”

We have become desensitized. Our collective conscience has become seared and insensitive. The message is clear: speak out against the regime, and its propaganda machine will work overtime to justify violence against you so that if it happens again, everyone will be desensitized and indifferent.

This infection has spread beyond politics. If someone questions election integrity and refuses to go with the Leftist flow, they are nailed by the Left. Same with the LGBTQIA+ movement, trans movement, abortion, etc.

Was the shooter acting alone? Or are there others involved?

The New American raised this question:

The apoplectic anti-Trump Deep State and radical Left failed again to assassinate Donald Trump, this time at the hand of a CIA-adjacent merc wannabe and booster for global militarism, Ryan Wesley Routh. Despite a long list of priors, including a two-hour armed standoff with police back in 2002, Routh had no trouble setting up a shooter’s hide in a hedge at the edge of Trump’s golf course, complete with ballistic vests, a GoPro, and a scoped SKS rifle.

Somehow, Routh knew about Trump’s last-minute golf game. Was this an inside job?


What's happening to our country?

Founding Father Patrick Henry said, "When people forget God, tyrants forge their chains."

When Israel rejected God, then they wanted to be like the nations around them. Since every other nation surrounding Israel had a king, they wanted one, too. The people said, “Nay, but we will have a king over us; that we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles” (1 Samuel 8:19-20). 

Until that time, all they had was God to govern them. They ignored the reality that a king would take heavily from them to fight their battles. They had a naïve view toward a centralized power. They thought their king would give without taking. They blindly believed their king would protect them when they had God as their King!

America has also wanted a king "like the other nations." That king is secular humanism.

We have separated ourselves from the God who led our founders to denounce the King of England, win a war no one thought they could win, and inspire our founders to draft our Constitution,  the finest man-made document to ever exist. 

The God of the Bible has now been rejected by our educational, social, political, and even many religious institutions. As we have rejected God in America, we have replaced God with more government programs to care for us from the cradle to the grave. We have rejected the family as He has ordained. We have rejected prayer and Scripture from our educational institutions. We have rejected His moral standards to guide us as a nation. In so doing, we become like other nations that have also rejected Him.

We have gone from one nation under God to killing our unwanted unborn children and attempting to do so with our adversaries.

We have traded our gift of exceptionalism for secular humanism and our God-given blessings for cultural Marxism. 

William Penn, the founder of the city of Philadelphia, wrote, “If we will not be governed by God, then we will be ruled by tyrants.”

We need a spiritual revival.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Sober. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful. Vote.