Monday, November 25, 2024

Planned Parenthood Harvesting Unborn Babies For Experimentation

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We're back with our Faith and Freedom Daily column. Following the wind storm, the power and internet services in our offices have been restored.

We are learning that Planned Parenthood has been providing “viable nonanomalous” babies killed in “elective abortions” to the University of California San Diego (UCSD) for experimentation, according to a new report.

Planned Parenthood is harvesting babies for experimentation on their bodies.

That's hardly a qualifier for "women's health care." 

It's the face of evil.

Be informed, not misled.

The report published by The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has found that emails detail a “Research Plan” that documents the harvesting of babies for experimentation on their bodies. The plan was submitted to and approved by UCSD’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) in 2018. The group obtained the heavily redacted communications via open records request.

The Federalist says, "According to the records reported by CMP, researchers unveiled plans in their submission to “collect tissues from fetuses ranging from 4 to 23 weeks gestational age from subjects undergoing elective surgical pregnancy termination at Planned Parenthood in San Diego.” The researchers further noted that patients with “viable nonanomalous … fetuses” would partake in the analysis.

Planned Parenthood will gather “evidence of fetal heart activity by ultrasound immediately prior to the dilation and evacuation procedure,” the submitted plan reads. The abortion provider aimed to harvest babies from “up to 2,500 patients,” according to the plan.

As noted by CMP, the “majority of healthy infants born at 23 weeks can survive with modern medical care.”

The investigative nonprofit highlighted one 2018 email indicating Planned Parenthood’s overuse of misoprostol (Cytotec) on patients hours before harvesting the viable babies for their body parts. According to CMP, the drug is often “used in chemical abortions to force-start labor contractions.”

In a partially redacted 2018 email regarding the Research Plan, an unidentified individual working on the study wrote, “[A]ny sample greater than about 12.5w[eeks] requires the use of a dilating medication which is given to the patients 3 hours ahead of their procedure (these are called ‘cyto’ patients).”

According to CMP, “Some studies show a 50 microgram dose of Misoprostol is enough to induce labor by 4 hours in the majority of cases,” while Planned Parenthood’s “national guidelines recommend 400 to 800 micrograms before late-term so-called ‘dilation and evacuation’ abortions — 8 to 16 times as much — and urge clinics not to allow patients to leave the clinic after taking the drugs.”

“Planned Parenthood’s use of heavy doses of a labor contraction drug to dilate pregnant women targeted for a viable fetus harvesting project means these are likely not standard ‘dismemberment’ abortions, but either intact partial-birth abortions or full delivery of live preemies,” CMP Founder and President David Daleiden said.

The open records request revealed more disturbing findings, including apparent racial discrimination by Planned Parenthood.

As noted by CMP, the English-language consent forms provided by the abortion provider to pregnant women “include 15 bullet-pointed disclosures, the thirteenth of which states: ‘I understand that the donated blood, tissue, or their derivatives may have significant therapeutic or commercial value. I consent to such uses.’” The latter disclosure regarding “commercial value” is not included in the Spanish-language forms.

“The documents show UCSD’s IRB approved the racially disparate translations in at least four consecutive years, from 2017 to 2020,” CMP reported.


“This new evidence shows Planned Parenthood sells late-term aborted baby body parts in violation of federal law, for far more money than has ever been discussed before,” according to  David Daleiden, founder and president of The Center for Medical Progress.

Transferring aborted human fetal tissue for “valuable consideration” is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000.

The evidence is there. Will Planned Parenthood ever be charged?

We'll see. 

The Christian Research Institute has published a study titled "The Roots of Planned Parenthood."

It was first published in December 2023. It was updated in September 2024.

If you are pro-life, I suggest you read it. If you support and vote for those who claim PP is about "women's healthcare" please read it.

An excerpt: 

Any group, no matter how corrupt, may incidentally do some good, but that does not justify defending the organization as a whole. Planned Parenthood’s mission statement includes references to concepts that sound promising, such as “full, healthy lives.…inclusive and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care services,”4 but the intended meaning behind those terms reflects a post-Christian worldview. Their definitions of sexual health and sexual wellness radically differ from the traditional Christian views on sex, which characterize sex as something special to be enjoyed in clearly defined, committed relationships. Planned Parenthood’s mission statement also makes it clear that abortion is an integral part of comprehensive healthcare. The organization pursues a mission that is destructive to life by definition and antithetical to historic, biblical Christian views on sexual well-being. However emotionally compelling they may be, anecdotal testimonies of individuals aided by Planned Parenthood are immaterial to a full moral evaluation.

There is no gray area with Planned Parenthood, no complex issues to sort. Planned Parenthood is the number one abortion provider in the United States, they fight to be allowed to be the largest abortion provider in the United States. They are a destroyer, and they destroy early human life to the number of more than 370,000 a year and millions over the course of decades. They don’t even enjoy the benefit of being a good institution whose mission corrupted over time. They originated in corruption, their growth peppered with participation in acts of gross inhumanity, and have since gone beyond abortion, as if that weren’t bad enough. They set themselves up to undermine families by offering a view of sex and identity that confounds traditional wisdom to embrace the sociological soup du jour. They revel in their popularity, but the nature of their motives and the evil of their actions shows through for those who look closely.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.