Monday, November 18, 2024

University Instructor: “Uneducated” Americans Holding the Country “Hostage"

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“Uneducated” Americans are holding the country “hostage,” according to an English instructor at the University of South Carolina.

Most---not all, but most so-called "educators" agree.

“There is a reason why educated people vote blue. What we’re seeing is the uneducated population of America holding the rest of the country hostage,” Sueanna Smith wrote on X the night after Trump was declared to have won the presidency.

 “This is why there’s such a push to weaken education, ban books, and outlaw the teaching of Black history by the Republican Party,” she says.

I say, "No." What's "weakening" education is the occupation of people like Sueanna in our universities across the nation who are apostles of cultural Marxism rather than professors and instructors of classical education.

Be informed, not misled.

Trump's re-election has created a meltdown among the far-left tenured elitists who are occupying our educational system from the classroom to the bloated, unnecessary Department of Education. 

And it's twisted sister, the NEA. 

Trump's return to the presidency has amplified the ancient words of Moses: "Let my people go!"

And the 76,429,164 people who elected Trump for another term echo those words.

It is so-called "education" that has taken our country---particularly our children, hostage.

The Left has become accustomed to indoctrinating America's children to start life with a worldview that mirrors their own: A secular, humanist, cultural Marxist belief.

That worldview is destroying our nation and robbing our children of the great gift of Hope, Joy, and a Vision that includes the meaning of Life, and an understanding of God our Creator. The God under whom our nation was founded.

Now, the purveyors of the old lie of secular humanism are about to meet the Truth.

And they can't handle the Truth; they're squirming.

An honest look at how America voted.

American Family News posted an election map that shows the widespread support for bringing our country back to reality.

They note, "The election of Donald Trump triggered a mass meltdown on colleges and university campuses, a hive mind of left-wing ideology, and the worst reactions are coming from educated and power-wielding professors and other staff."

AFN  points out that "The College Fix," the campus watchdog, is busily compiling post-election stories from around the country. One example from the University of South Carolina is an English instructor complaining that only “educated people voted for Kamala Harris."

They published:

“There is a reason why educated people vote blue,” Suenna Smith wrote on X one day after Trump’s win. “What we’re seeing is the uneducated population of America holding the rest of the country hostage.”

Matt Lamb, associate editor of the Fix, tells AFN the instructor’s insult was particularly bad considering her profession.

“It’s particularly concerning when it’s an instructor or a professor,” Lamb says, “because they are supposed to encourage debate and encourage thinking about these topics.”

Contrary to Smith’s accusation about dumb Trump voters, the public now knows Trump received a bigger popular vote than Kamala Harris – a record unseen by a Republican candidate since the 1980s. That historic turnout includes black and Hispanic voters, and suburban women, according to exit polling.

It should be noted that, according to polling by The Associated Press, approximately half of American voters aged 18 to 29 chose Trump over Harris. That polling, VoteCast, surveyed 120,000 voters nationwide. 

Trump also flipped 10 counties to red in liberal California and increased red counties in Democrat strongholds such as New York and New Jersey.

Public Ed: "It ain't our fault."

As is typical with many liberals, however, voters must be wrong and terrible people if they don’t believe like them. That was the message from Alexa Veenema, a Michigan State professor. In an email to students after the election, she assumed her students “must be as devastated as I am” by the Nov. 5 election results.

“It is unbelievable to me,” Veenema wrote, “that so many Americans are so utterly naïve and would fall for this and support misogyny, racism, xenophobia, hate, and violence.”

Reacting to the professor’s email, conservative activist Janice Crouse says Trump has become a “monster” to the Far Left. That warped view of him is “scary” to consider, she says because students are being influenced and believe what they are told. 

Yes, they do. That's the point. She and other "educators" like her have been lying to America's children.

Crouse says no, "It was just an example of the way our society is so deranged.” 

Veenema is a behavioral neuroscience professor at Michigan State. 

Behavioral neuroscience studies how the human nervous system, especially the brain, influences emotions and behavior.

And then there's Leonard at the University of Oregon

The Fix reports, "At least one university staff member has been punished for going too far with the post-election comments. Leonard Seratto, an administrator at the University of Oregon, was put on leave after he posted a profanity-filled rant on social media."

“If you are so sad about your groceries being expensive, get a better [expletive] paying job, do better in life. Get a [expletive] education,” Serrato added. “Do something, because you are [expletive] stupid, and I hope you go jump off of a [expletive] bridge.”

Reacting to Serrato's comments, conservative writer Laurie Higgins points out he openly suggested Trump supporters should commit suicide.

"No one who would wish that on their political opponent," Higgins tells AFN, "deserves to be working in a university." 

Agreed. And Leonard is not the only one.


Most current professors and instructors miserably fail the test put forth by the Father of public education, Noah Webster:

In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.

Most professors and instructors deserve an "F" on that one.

"The brief exposition of the Constitution of the United States will unfold to the young persons the principles of republican government; and it is the sincere desire of the writer that our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament or the Christian religion."


"The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and His Apostles, which enjoins humility, piety, and this we owe our free Constitutions of Government."


"The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all of our civil constitutions and laws...All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and war, proceed from their despising of neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible."

Yeah, education gets an "F" on that test as well.

In this election, our nation has been weighed in the balances and found wanting by its citizens.

We have chosen a president we believe will lead the nation not by merely "turning a page" but by embracing and returning to the Truth found in the world's oldest book—the inspired Word of God.

God has given us a reprieve. Another chance. We better not blow it.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful. Be Faithful.