Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Americans Judge Their Courts

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Gallup has found that  Americans’ confidence in their nation’s judicial system and courts dropped to a record-low 35% in 2024.

"The result further sets the U.S. apart from other wealthy nations, where a majority, on average, still expresses trust in an institution that relies largely on the public’s confidence to protect its authority and independence," Gallup says.

Gallup continues: "Since 2020, confidence in the courts across the other OECD( (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries has been stable, while the U.S. has seen a sharp decline -- 24 percentage points -- in the past four years. The resulting 20-point gap in confidence between the U.S. and the median of OECD nations in 2024 is the largest in the Gallup trend, which dates to 2006."

"24 percentage points, in the last 4 years."

Be informed, not misled.

This decline in confidence in the U.S. judicial system not only means the U.S. ranks below other wealthy nations, but it is also among the steepest declines Gallup has measured globally on this metric.

The polling company notes that "Few countries and territories have seen larger percentage-point drops in confidence in the judiciary (over a similar four-year span) than the U.S. These include Myanmar (from 2018 to 2022) overlapping the return to military rule in 2021, Venezuela (2012-2016) amid deep economic and political turmoil, and Syria (2009-2013) in the runup to and early years of civil war, and others that have experienced their own kinds of disorder in the past two decades."

The Hill, not a conservative news publication, said yesterday, "The 24-point dip in confidence over a four-year period ranks among the 10 largest in the world." 

An October survey from the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania found the public’s trust in the U.S. Supreme Court dropped to a record low. The poll discovered that 56 percent of Americans said they somewhat disapprove of the nation’s highest court. The data indicated trust in the judicial body noticeably declined following the court’s 2022 reversal of Roe v. Wade. 

Gallup’s poll of the Supreme Court in early October found that Democrats’ job approval and trust in it is on a significant downturn, with 82 percent saying the court is “too conservative.” On the flip side, 69 percent of Republicans said the court’s leanings are “about right.”

Why the decline?

Clearly, the Left is upset with the Supreme Court for not finding a "woman's right" to abortion in the Constitution. They've been talking about "packing the Court" ----adding additional Justices to the High Court who hold Leftist, so-called progressive worldviews since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.

Understood. The Left can't live without the right to kill their unwanted, unborn children.

There are also other reasons for the dramatic decline in confidence in our judicial system.

Another reason that people have lost confidence in our judicial system is that people both in America and around the world watched our judicial system get highjacked by those seeking fame and fortune by taking down Trump.

Leftists ran for public office promising one thing: To bring down Trump. The weight of the American Justice System was leveled against "Trump"---from the highest offices.

America and the world watched. And they saw how the justice system was being used and twisted to advance an un-American agenda.

So-called "Republican" Liz Cheney was a key player in causing so many to lose their confidence in the very foundations of our culture. 


Of particular interest is the report’s findings about the conduct of former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), who served on the Committee and used her position to attack President-elect Donald Trump. The report suggests that she exercised undue influence over the Committee’s proceedings to target the president-elect while working to promote the narrative that he incited the violence on January 6.

The House Oversight Subcommittee, headed by Chairman Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), released a 127-page Interim Report detailing a swath of shady conduct related to the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol building and the subsequent Democratic Select Committee that was ostensibly aimed at getting to the bottom of what happened on that day.

The authors pointed out that Cheney failed “to mention any of the tangible failures of that day” and “spoke of law enforcement only twice, and never mentioned the National Guard or the multi-agency intelligence failures.”

One staffer told investigators that when the J6 Committee “became a Cheney 2024 campaign, many of us became discouraged.”

The Oversight subcommittee suggested that “numerous federal laws were likely broken by Liz Cheney.” It recommended that “these violations should be investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation” because the former lawmaker “tampered with at least one witness.”

The report argues that the FBI should investigate Cheney for violating laws against “procuring another person to commit perjury.”

Of course, it is doubtful that Cheney will face any accountability for her alleged actions. However, the report clearly demonstrates what many already knew: Cheney saw the Select Committee as an opportunity to boost her popularity by positioning herself as the ultimate anti-Trump figure.

And therein lies the problem. During the past four years, everyone has done what was right (expedient) in their own eyes.


What should we do when the foundations are destroyed?

Riot in the streets and burn the cities---no problem. Allow someone as "distasteful" as Donald Trump to become President---no way.

American citizens had a better idea. Trump was given a landslide victory in the election last month.

Psalm 11 deals with the question, "What should the Righteous do when the foundations are destroyed?"

Verse 3 warns of catastrophic results when fundamental principles are destroyed. In David's immediate case, this refers to his role as Israel's king and the consequences of abandoning that role. In a more general sense, it speaks to the ruin a society will face when the most basic aspects of godliness are removed.

Daniel Webster, a second-generation leader in America, told his peers, "Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world." 

He continued: "If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity  neglect its instruction and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity."

And "Finally, let us not forget the religious character of our origin. Our fathers were brought hither by their high veneration for the Christian religion. They journeyed by its light and labored in its hope. They sought to incorporate its principles with the elements of their society and diffuse its influence through all their institutions, civil, political, or literary."

Be Informed, Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Faithful. Be Hopeful. Be Prayerful.