Friday, December 06, 2024

Why Are Bible Sales Are Soaring?

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God’s truth is reaching new eyes, with Bibles reportedly flying off the shelves this year. 

In fact, Bible sales are up 22% through the end of October when compared to last year’s sales during the same time period, making for “a golden age of Bible publishing,” according to The Wall Street Journal. 

U.S. print book sales were up less than 1% during that same period, meaning the Bible’s growth in sales far outpaced what was happening more generally in the publishing industry. 

What's going on?

Be informed, not misled.

The Wall Street Journal says, "Sales of Bibles Are Booming, Fueled by First-Time Buyers and New Versions."

Publishers attribute a 22% jump in Bible sales this year to rising anxiety, a search for hope, or highly focused marketing and designs.

WSJ says, "Hallelujah! Bibles are a bright spot in books this year."

They conclude that the reason is "because of worries about the economy, conflicts abroad and uncertainty over the election pushed readers toward the publication in droves."

The WSJ crunched the numbers and found Bible sales increased from 9.7 million in 2019 to 14.2 million in 2023. In the first 10 months of 2024, 13.7 million copies were sold, with still two months left to count.

So, why the increase, you ask? Chaos and uncertainty in the world, among other factors, could be turning people back to the Lord.

“People are experiencing anxiety themselves, or they’re worried for their children and grandchildren,” Jeff Crosby, president of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, told the WSJ. “It’s related to artificial intelligence, election cycles…and all of that feeds a desire for assurance that we’re going to be OK.”

One bookstore manager said she’s seeing many first-time buyers come in looking for the Scriptures — people she said are on a quest for “hope.”

Young people, in particular, could be looking for answers to some of life’s tough questions, especially as cultural confusion grows. And with new editions and versions of the Bible hitting the market, there are more options than ever for these individuals to engage in Scripture.

I would add that all new versions do not accurately communicate what God's Word is actually saying. 

 The WSJ mentions some other potential reasons for the increase, such as celebrities speaking out about faith and influencers on YouTube, TikTok, and other platforms sharing their beliefs with new audiences.

Many athletes, particularly professional and college football players, share their personal testimonies each time they have the opportunity with the tens of millions of Americans who follow sports, particularly football.

As Faithwire reported in 2023, research backs the idea young people have a growing curiosity about faith. The “State of the Bible 2023” report released at the time did reveal a steady decline among young people engaging with Scripture. Yet, 44% of Gen Z adults between the ages of 18-26 were either very or extremely curious about Jesus and/or the Bible.

This significant increase in Bible sales is being discussed not only by a few national and international news organizations but also by local news organizations.

For example, Kentucky Today suggests that "the surge may be due to an increase in anxiety, uncertainty about the future, and a search for hope."

Tomi Lahren said on Fox News Radio, "Bible Sales are Booming!"

Does this mean America is having a true “come to Jesus moment?” 

Goods are still far too expensive in Joe Biden’s economy but there is one thing the American people are willing to drop some dollars on, Bibles!

So, what accounts for this sudden interest in God’s holy Word? 

She says one aspect could be social media influencers who are taking to their various platforms to declare their newfound or newly resurrected interest in the Bible, its stories, and faith as a whole. 

Lahren concludes, "But perhaps this spike in sales will give way to a new generation of godliness, love, and light," adding, "Lord knows we need it!"

I believe we are on the threshold of a great revival—a spiritual renewal in America. This is one of several signs we are seeing.

Biblical churches should pray about how God would lead them in sharing the Gospel with the unchurched, unsaved in their communities.

As individuals, we should be paying attention to the opportunities the Lord gives us to share our own testimony of faith with family, friends, and acquaintances.

And then there is this:

Cheryl Chumley wrote an excellent article about this renewed interest in the Bible. I recommend you read the entire article.

A few excerpts from her article:

  •  The good news is President-elect Donald Trump beat Vice President Kamala Harris and Republicans won majorities in both the House and Senate and that means the adults are poised to enter positions of influence and leadership in the new year.
  • The better news is Bible sales in America are booming.
  • People are anxious; people are worried; people are wondering what’s going on — and rather than relying totally on government to solve their problems and salvage their futures and save their families, they’re turning to the true source of provision for solace and answer: God. That’s fantastic. And in this nation in particular, that’s the place to look. Why? 
  • The Founding Fathers provided a formula for long-lasting liberty that was rooted in individualism and reliant on a model of self-governance. But, as they warned, self-government is only sustainable when the people are moral and virtuous enough to restrain their fleshly, secular and oft-wicked desires. Laws aren’t enough to keep citizens in check. Citizens must be capable of keeping themselves in check, or else civility will eventually go by the wayside, selfish egos will eventually dominate and cause chaos, and self-governance will become impossible — and Big Government will be called upon to restore order.
  • The problem with modern, educated society is many of the modern and educated citizens believe they’re capable of determining right and wrong absent any higher moral authority. 
  • That’s how we got an Anthony Fauci who thought nothing of compelling an entire nation to shut down and live off the tax-paid stimulus check, religious freedom, right-to-work, Constitution, and law and order be danged.
  • That’s how we got a president of the United States named Joe Biden who thought nothing of forcing supposedly free American citizens to stick largely experimental shots in their arms as conditions of working, leaving home, attending church and traveling — and oh yes, slapping face masks over their mouths at the same time.
  • The twisting of evil as good has gone on for very long.
  • The point is this: Without a higher authority, humankind is apt to define rights and wrongs and goods versus evils in ways that personally suit.
  • And [our] framers understood this.
  • John Adams put it succinctly: “[Statesmen] may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand,” he said. 
  • Without religion, morality becomes that of one’s own making. As secularism rises, freedom falters; individualism is squashed; liberty dies; government grows; collectivism thrives; tyranny ensues — and society crashes.
  • We’re at this point in time of crashing.


  • America’s foundation is God’s Word. From the Mayflower Compact to the Constitution to modern-day courts of law, it’s biblical teachings and Judeo-Christian beliefs that have kept this country on a path of civility and prosperity, and served as a model of individual rights and freedoms that have been the envy of nations of the world for decades. Everybody wants to come to America. Everybody wants a taste of that American Exceptionalism.
  • Everybody wants to know what it’s like to live in a country where individuals are granted rights and liberties by their Creator, and where governments are only instituted among the citizens to protect and preserve those inherent birth rights and liberties.
  • But God-given rights and liberties only last so long as God is kept in that equation. Take Him out and it becomes “government granted.”

May God Bless America...Again.

Be Informed, Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Hopeful. Be Prayerful.