Monday, January 13, 2025

Surviving Progressivism

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As America enters what is being called a "Golden Age" on January 20 with new but tested leadership in the White House, there is still a people group unsure of its future.

Outgoing President Biden is obsessed with being certain that unwanted born babies who survive abortion are never allowed to leave the killing halls of Planned Parenthood alive.

New Senate Majority Leader John Thune has a different plan. 

He plans a procedural vote this month on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

The vote will publicly reveal who is pro-life and who is pro-death in our US Senate.

Be informed, not misled.

While federal law has protections in place to ensure that babies who survive abortions receive lifesaving medical treatment and are not merely left to die, the legislation doesn’t have strong criminal enforcement mechanisms to punish those who would let babies die who survive abortions.

Thune plans the vote for Friday, January 24th – to coincide with hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans participating in the March for Life.

LifeNews says, “This vote will ask Democrats to answer whether a living baby born after an attempted abortion should be provided with medical care or left to die,” according to Sen. Thune, who spoke about the vote from the floor of the Senate."

Pro-life groups are thanking Thune for setting up the vote on the pro-life bill, which Democrats are expected to oppose.

“Newborn survivors of abortion are about to get a bit more of the attention they deserve,” according to Frank Pavone of Priests for Life.

Indeed, they are.

“Although passed by the House in the last session of Congress, Democrats blocked a Senate vote last year, and have opposed the bill in previous years,” Pavone said. “This bill has nothing to do with limiting access to abortion, but it is precisely the Democrats’ obsession with abortion that explains their opposition to this bill. It’s a terrifying logic: For them, after all, choice prevails over life. The baby in the womb is targeted for death, and death it shall have."

“The division over this bill comes down to this question: Where exactly is the point at which the protection of life prevails over the decision to end it?”

Progressive politicians are not the only advocates for killing unwanted unborn children.

The New York Times said this last month:

"A Baptist minister, a Presbyterian pastor, and a Jewish cantor held burning incense as they walked quietly through the empty, white-walled clinic. They blessed the exam tables and their stirrups, the boxes of disposable gowns, and the cushioned chairs in the recovery room, where women are moved after their abortions."

NYT continued: "Religious leaders have been loud presences at American abortion clinics for decades, most often showing up to protest. The ones gathered inside this abortion clinic in rural Western Maryland on a fall afternoon had a different purpose."

"Through a ritual blessing of the year-old clinic, they wanted to show that religion could be a source of support for abortion rights," the New York oracle of truth told their readers.

“You all are a blessing to those who come to you for care during some of their most vulnerable and sometimes painful moments,” the Rev. Katey Zeh, an ordained Baptist minister, said to the staff members gathered in the clinic’s colorful waiting room.

Honest. "Abortion has deep roots in the church." 

The Times continues: "But support for abortion access from religious groups has deep roots in the area: The first office of the Women’s Health Center of West Virginia opened inside an Episcopal church in Charleston, a few years after Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in 1973."

The minister who provided the space inside the church was the Rev. Jim Lewis, who, before the Roe decision, worked with a national network of religious leaders who helped women access abortions. He believes his faith requires him to work with “people who are outcasts,” including women who are shamed for seeking abortions.

Women who have had abortions should not be "shamed" for having an abortion.

Disagreement is not shaming.

While shaming probably occurs, that has not been my experience in public ministry my entire adult life.

Biblical Christians do not shame women who have had an abortion.

They try to persuade the woman considering abortion to reconsider because life is sanctified by God, and Christian organizations are standing by to help financially and/or with adoption. 

And if a woman has had an abortion, God's grace is sufficient. He will forgive and restore that mother. 

I have never seen a biblical Christian "shame" a woman who is bent under the weight of a decision to have an abortion. I have seen hundreds if not thousands, pray with women suffering from the guilt and regret of their decision.


These so-called Christian leaders are misleading women at the most vulnerable time in their lives.

The Prophet Ezekiel (34:2-4) says to these pastors, "The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought the lost; but with force and cruelty you have ruled [influenced] them."

“For decades the Left has been downright hostile to expressions of religious faith — except apparently when it comes to celebrating abortion,” Josh Mercer, vice president of CatholicVote, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Suddenly incense, ritual, prayer, and reverence all have merit. How wicked that religious practice is being hijacked to promote the killing of children.”

The New York Times concludes with this comment:

"As the ceremony wrapped up inside the clinic, there were signs that patients there had been making their own appeals to God. On a table in the recovery room sat a notebook where patients could write messages to one another. They described hard choices and uncertainty about God’s plans for them." 

In a whisper of hope, one patient wrote: “God will forgive me for my decision.” [Won't He?]

Indeed, He will. And He will restore us if we repent and ask Him for forgiveness.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful. Be Faithful.