Thursday, August 23, 2012

NOM Pres. and Dan Savage Have Dinner Together---With Cameras Rolling

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Following Dan Savage's assault on the Bible at a convention of 3000 high school students in Seattle earlier this year, Brian Brown, president of National Organization for Marriage, offered to debate him--- anywhere, anytime.

Brown and Savage recently sat down for dinner at Savage's home---with the cameras rolling.

KOMO 4 News carried the story and a link to the one-hour debate on their news last night. Those of you in the Puget Sound area may have seen it. I don't know if other TV news in Central, Eastern or Southwest Washington carried the story.

It is something that every one who stands in defense of marriage should see.

I have linked the KOMO story above. Please notice that there is a video of KOMO's news story about the debate. Scroll down to the bottom of the story and there is a second video which is the debate or conversation.

I have watched it. I would like you to watch it and share your thoughts. Your thoughts can be helpful to thousands of people who are thinking about this issue---perhaps conflicted about it---unsure, and will read this blog.

Was this conversation helpful? If so, to whom? Who do you feel made the strongest case? Who do you feel will benefit most from this video as it is seen by millions of people on YouTube? Those seeking to redefine marriage or those of us standing in defense of it? Will it help our stand for marriage here in Washington? Do you think it will change any one's mind? If so, toward which side?

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Active. Be Informed. Be Blessed.