Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Conservative and Faith Leaders: "Best GOP Platform Yet"

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Phylis Schlafly, Mike Huckabee, Tony Perkins and others are very pleased with the final form of the 2012 Republican Party platform. Schlafly says it "may be the best one ever adopted."

Frankly, I was concerned when the Party decided, for the first time, along with calls from Jeb Bush and others to "expand the reach of the party" to include the homosexual organization, "Log Cabin Republicans" in the platform process.

The concern was that on the issue of marriage, the GOP may come out with a fuzzy, unclear message---or simply a departure from the support of traditional marriage or even the sanctity of life---like some local WA State Republicans who clearly stand against the platform of their own party.

It didn't happen.

And the Log Cabin guys are furious. R. Clarke Cooper, executive director, has expressed outrage toward the platform, promising the Republican position on marriage "will be a hollow short-lived victory."

Why is the platform the best yet?

The Party is addressing fiscal, social and sovereignty issues separately and together---recognizing that they are interconnected in our culture.

Ronald Reagan called this approach a "three legged stool" approach.

Here is a brief overview of the commitment the Republican Party is making to the American people, with quotes from the document.

After review, I personally have one compelling question.

  • It adopts the identical pro-life language that has been in the platform since Henry Hyde inserted it in 1984-- "The unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed."

  • It takes a strong, clear stand in support of "marriage as the union of one man and one woman."
  • It specifically opposes any changes made to marriage (or other traditional values) by "an activist judiciary" or "by a president who swore an oath to 'take care that the laws be faithfully executed.'"
  • It is crystal clear and forceful regarding Obama's "war on religion." It says his actions are "trying to compel faith-related institutions, as well as believing individuals, to contravene their deeply held religious, moral and ethical beliefs regarding health services, traditional marriage or abortion."
  • It calls for the repeal of Obamacare---unlike Rob McKenna's latest position.
  • It clearly addresses immigration, using e-Verify, etc.
  • It expresses outrage at Obama's idea of eliminating work requirements for welfare.
  • Strongly endorses "American Military Superiority" as a cornerstone of our strategy to deter aggression and protect national security.
  • It rejects a long list of United Nations treaties, including Agenda 21, a proposal for a global tax and various UN declarations on the environment.

It is a true reflection of the American values that have made this country great.

After personal review, one compelling question remains, at least for me:

How can any biblical Christian vote for Barack Obama?

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Active. Be Blessed.