Tuesday, March 04, 2014

US Government: "Parent Has No Right To Home School"

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Although deeply disappointed, I'm not surprised.

The United States Supreme Court declined yesterday to hear the case involving the home school Romeike family.

The US Department of Justice argued with ICE that there is "no fundamental right to determine the education of one's children."

The US Government's argument, even more than the Court's denial to hear the case, reveals much about the beliefs of our own government and the present administration regarding our children. And the role of their parents.

And if anyone still believes public education is about "education" rather than "indoctrination," please read on.

The Romikes, a German home school family, has had asylum in the United States while trying to protect their family from the German government.

So, the critic would say, this isn't really about the US government, it's about the German government.

It isn't. Stay with me.

The Romeikes learned yesterday that the Supreme Court would not hear their case, and we have now learned that our own government holds the same views on parental authority as Germany and other European countries.

The Romeikes chose to home school their children because they believed the public schools in Germany were teaching their children values that were inconsistent with their own evangelical Christian beliefs.

Their government demanded they send their children to public, or government run school or be thrown in jail and fined. Home schooling is illegal in Germany.

The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) helped the Romeikes flee their country.

In 2010, after fleeing Germany in 2008, the Romeikes were granted asylum in the US. This was a result of the work by HSLDA and a group of 27 Congress members.

However, the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement immediately appealed that decision.

The HSLDA has worked the case through our court system in an effort to protect this family and their children.

Yesterday, the US Supreme Court denied hearing the case, exhausting any further legal options.

So what happens to the German family now? HSLDA, I'm told, will continue to work with them. They plan to discuss the matter with some of the Congressmen who are supportive.

We will keep you updated.

The argument made by our government is revealing to say the least.

In the US Justice Department's argument to the Supreme Court against the Romeike family, our own Justice Department agreed with the German government that parents have "no fundamental right to determine the education of one's children."

And, that Germany's law banning home schooling makes sense because denying the parents the right to home school "teaches children tolerance of a diversity of opinions."

Last July, the US Justice Department told the Court that the value of Germany's law is to "bring people of differing views together to learn from each other and to learn to accept those whose views differ from their own."

Does anyone actually believe a balanced moral worldview is taught in America's public school system?

The US brief praised the goal of an "open, pluralistic society," obviously at the denial of parental authority.

The Department of Justice wrote at that time, "Teaching tolerance to children of all backgrounds helps to develop the ability to interact as a fully functioning citizen..."

In a letter sent by US Rep. Mark Stutzman (R-IN ) joined by 26 other members of Congress to A/G Eric Holder, Rep. Stutzman said, "We respectfully ask that, as the chief law enforcement officer of a nation founded as a safe haven for those who seek liberty, you grant asylum to the Romeike family who fled to the United States in 2008 after suffering persecution from the German government as a result of their decision to home school their children."

He wrote, "A decision to deny the Romeikes the opportunity to educate their children freely is a decision to abandon our commitment to freedom. Doing so would put America alongside those countries that believe children belong to the community or state."

Stutzman wrote, "A country founded on freedom should stand for the fact that they belong to their parents. As a 'city on a hill,' this country has always embraced those who seek freedom. The United States ought to welcome families who suffer persecution for exercising their right to educate their children."

By virtue of their own argument, our government is stating that it too believes the state, not the parent, should be responsible for educating a child.

It is clear that our Justice Department has more interest in "coming along side those European countries that believe children belong to the community or state" than remaining that "city on a hill" that stands for freedom.

How does so-called "tolerance" bring people of differing views together, when education has redefined tolerance to mean "affirmation" of moral behaviors that are in conflict with the beliefs of most American families, and certainly in conflict with evangelical Christian families?

To the most casual observer, "tolerance" is seen as a one way street. If one disagrees with certain behaviors for any reason, including deeply held religious beliefs, that person is immediately labeled a "bigot" and can be fired from their job and/or face legal charges.

Christians, especially kids in public education who publicly live out their faith, are routinely criticized and ridiculed for their beliefs. And are often penalized or censored in their studies.

For the US government to place this level of importance on tolerance and diversity should be an alarm to every parent.

Does our government really believe that home schooled children are "less functional" as citizens?

Are kids sent to public school to be socialized or educated? The NEA would say "both."

Why then are the educational standards and outcomes of US public schools continuing to drop when compared to other developed countries, while at the same time we are becoming the most "politically correct" nation in the world. And it is choking our culture and our creativity.

America was once rated #1 globally in education.

The latest global test scores show the US student's rankings in math have slipped from 24th to 29th---in science they've slipped from 19th to 22nd.

Why? Because public education has "progressed" from educating to socially indoctrinating.

Education in America has "devolved".

Our first college was founded with a donation by Rev. John Harvard's donation of his personal library in 1636. His purpose was "to train a literate clergy."

Noah Webster, considered the father of public education, expressed that the Bible could adequately serve as the textbook.

In fact he once said, "Education is useless without the Bible."

Not only have we removed the moral influence of the Bible from our educational experience, but also the history of its significance in our founding.

The removal of religion as history from our school textbooks moved us away from our educational and spiritual roots.

Although it reveals the intellectual dishonesty of modern day secular progressive education and erodes the quality of education for American children, the progressives apparently feel the trade off is worth it.

We have now come to the point where not only is taxpayer funded government education obsessed with societal and cultural transformation, but our government is as well.

It's alarming to see our government placing a greater value on politically correct "tolerance" and diversity than on freedom.

There is an ancient Truth that speaks to the importance of parents educating their children:

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 ESV

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Informed. Be Pro-Active. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.