Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cheney Schools Apologize For Having Christian Speaker

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Although Cheney School District has apologized for allowing a Christian to speak at an assembly last school year, for parent Terry Fiala, that's not enough.

Terry says the speaker "violated my daughter's rights---I feel I have been violated because having him in a school is a validation of his opinion."

"Him" is Gary Horton who is an openly Christian speaker and has done thousands of school assemblies.

Cheney School District is attempting to rectify this "violation."

I called Cheney School District office yesterday and was told the people there could not speak about this issue, but Sean Dotson, who is in the district office could, but was not available at this time, promising he would return my call. As we publish this article, he has not returned my call.

I'm wondering what the ultimate goal of the school might look like. Is it to eliminate any voice that may not agree with the public education narrative, or is it simply to eliminate any voice that is favorable toward God and country?

The school district is promising the public they are "taking steps to see that this never happens again."

The Spokesman Review and other news sources are reporting that "Cheney school officials have apologized to the parents of a middle school student for allowing a self styled religious missionary to be a featured speaker at a mandatory school assembly."

Gary Horton spoke at the school last March. He also spoke at schools in Warden and Othello, Washington at the same time.

In fact, he has spoken at more than 8,000 public school assemblies over the years.

He is hardly "self styled."

His whole objective, he says, "is to offer them the one thing I'm convinced can make a difference."

Horton is not timid, but is passionate about the truth.

He says, "If I'm guilty of anything, I'm guilty of sharing things I think can change their life."

"Its given me hope, strength and the ability to love," Horton says.

Fiala said an apology from the school isn't enough. He wants much more.

The School District Superintendent Deb Combs says, "Training is under way to prevent such mistakes in the future."

Nicole Nanny, the school's vice principal says, "It's an unfortunate circumstance that was not intended."

Clemons says, "Our hope is that people will learn from our experience."

So what can be learned from this "unfortunate experience?"

1. We have learned that attention was immediately turned to Aaron Mason, the Cheney Middle School science teacher, who had made the district aware of Horton's availability.

The news media dutifully points out that Mason was disciplined in 1996 for teaching Creationism.

2. We have learned that any speaker who has a personal point of view would only be allowed to speak if the school approved of the point of view.

Does this include speakers who represent Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry?

What about speakers who "explain" the LGBT lifestyle? And give young kids suggestions as to how they can discover if they too are homosexual? Clearly their messages would be approved because they are consistently in the public schools.

It's a fact that middle schools in King County invite Muslim moms to share their faith with students who are studying world religions---a mandatory course.

I had hoped to ask about all that.

I also wanted to ask them how many other parents complained about the Christian's motivational speech. Was it just the one?

The argument is always made that this is a function of separation of church and state.

Why then are some religions featured, while Christianity is not? The response is often that the kids already know about Christianity, but not about the other religions.

This is a departure from the original intent of our Founders---and from common sense.

Our culture lacks virtue because of the extraordinary effort of public education and the entertainment industry to strip God from every vestige of public life in America---and it's not accidental, it's deliberate. .

Virtue is a necessary component to liberty.

Edmund Burke said, "What is liberty without virtue?---It is...madness without restraint."

Samuel Adams said the same thing differently. "A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader."

He said, "If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved."

Virtue is necessary for a vibrant society. And virtue is inseparable with Christianity. Our Founders repeatedly affirmed that truth.

But it appears the issue is broader than separation of church and state, which itself is a miscarriage of what Thomas Jefferson said in his letter to the Danbury Baptists assuring them the government was prohibited from meddling in the affairs of the church.

It's about more than church and state.

Why was a Texas principal fired for suggesting it would be better to speak English in the classroom?

On November 12, 2013, Amy Lacey, the principal of Texas' Hempstead Middle School, was placed on administrative leave and subsequently fired when she made a simple request to students: speak English.

Now that the court enforced gag order has expired, she is telling her side of the story.

She says, "I informed students it would be best to speak English in the classroom to the extent possible, in order to help prepare them for [state] tests."

She says she was not being racist by suggesting English, but was merely trying to help the students and was pointing out that the academic language of Texas is, by law, English.

I suggest you read the entire article.

There is an alarming trend in public education. The goal is not education, but indoctrination.

It is not only about so-called separation of church and state, it's about a calculated movement that began in the early 20th century and has, over the past 100 years, placed its cold evil hands on the throat of America's institutions.

This movement, which grew out of a failed movement, has become the crowning achievement for those who hate America, Christianity, capitalism and freedom as we have come to know it.

It's called "Cultural Marxism."

I'm explaining what it is and how it came to be America's State Ideology under the present leadership of secular progressives.

Join me live from anywhere in the world at 9 AM PDT, or a rebroadcast at 7:30 PM PDT. Here's how.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.