Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Election Day: Why Toilets Matter

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Today is election day across America.

If you have not yet voted, please do so today.

Most of this day's elections are more local in orientation---but no less important.

And speaking of orientation---picture a man changing in a women's locker room in front of your daughter.

Some today are voting on that very issue---the use of restrooms---toilets.

Have we lost our minds, and our spiritual and moral compass?

If you live in Washington State and have not mailed in your ballot, this a is a link to the Sec. of State's office which provides a list of ballot drop off locations.

You will recall that Houston Mayor Annise Parker, a lesbian, targeted pastors in the city last year, attempting to seize their sermon notes, emails and all communications between pastors and congregations.

Thankfully, the Texas Supreme Court ruled in favor of the pastors who rallied to bring her transgender law to a public vote. That vote happens today.

It centers on who can use which toilet---restroom.

Bizarre. But true.

Houston, unfortunately, is not the only city where sexual orientation laws are being forced onto society.

Last month, Govenor Andrew Cuomo by-passed the New York state legislature and issued an executive order adding transgender to the protected classes regarding housing and employment, calling his changes "sweeping."

That's an understatement.

Eric Metaxas, with the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, says all this is happening without anyone answering the most basic question of all: What is sexual orientation?

He says, "Writing in the Federalist, social researcher Glenn Stanton argues that we can't protect sexual orientation in law because 'it doesn't mean anything'."

Stanton notes that these sweeping legal and policy changes all operate as if there is a clear definition of sexual orientation that everyone understands and agrees with.

Notably, even the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest homosexual advocacy organization, defines sexual orientation as "an inherent or immutable enduring emotional, romantic or sexual attraction to other people," in contrast to definitions by psychologists.

Psychology Today teaches, "A person's sexual orientation exists along a continuum."

If it's immutable and fixed, how can it be fluid and changeable?---on a continuum?

If sexual orientation is just about a person's emotional attraction to another person, how long and to whom will other protection laws be extended?

Metaxes points out, "Pedophile activists very nearly succeeded in adding pedophilia to the list of sexual orientations in the most recently updated DSM-V, psychology's most holy book."

He says these issues are not going to go away soon, but "by better understanding these matters, we will be more equipped to match nonsense with reason, and hatred with love."

Ryan T. Anderson, with the Heritage Foundation is also warning both Texans and all Americans that this ordinance in Houston is very, very threatening.

He notes that the ordinance is euphemistically named the "Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), but is anything but a hero.

Anderson, as Metaxas points out, is the subjectivity of this unverifiable identity confusion.

He says it will have potentially ruinous liability on innocent citizens for alleged discrimination based not on objective traits, but on subjective and unverifiable traits.

He also says HERO will further increase government interference in markets, potentially discouraging economic growth and job creation.

Anderson, as many of us, is aware of the negative issues this kind of policy brings to public education---look at the issues surrounding gender identity and transgender teachers.

HERO would require education and employment policies concerning school house, locker room, and workplace conditions that undermine commonsense.

HERO and other similar policy proposals touch all Americans, whether this is on their ballot today or not.

It also strikes at the heart of religious freedom. And good mental health. And righteousness.

Anderson says, "Maleness and femaleness are objectively rooted in biology, and should be valued and affirmed, not rejected or altered."

This past May, the school board of Fairfax, Virginia voted 10 to 1 to add "gender identity" to its list of protected classes. Their vote was against overwhelming opposition from the parents.

I wrote about it at the time, and mentioned it on the radio.

The consequences of that vote are now clear. Boys who think or feel they are girls are allowed to use restrooms and locker rooms of the opposite sex.

Minnesota schools have gone down the same path, and now must accommodate male transgendered students who want to spend nights at travel games in hotel rooms with female athletes.

At least it's not happening in my schools, right?

A number of schools in the Puget Sound area are revising their policies as well.

King 5 is reporting that the Snohomish School Board will hear public opinion Wednesday on new proposed policies to accommodate transgendered students.

And, as with Houston and New York and Virginia, etc. it has primarily to do with locker rooms, restrooms and ultimately hotel rooms at away games.

Assistant Superintendent Scott Peacock told King 5, "We really want our transgender students, like all students, to feel comfortable with who they are."

But they don't know who they are. They are "fluid."

Have we lost our minds?

Peacock says there are about 10 kids who are "transgender," out of the 10,000 who are in the school district.

Peacock also says most of them are still in elementary school. Apparently the indoctrination is working on the little ones.

Seattle, Mukilteo, Marysville and Edmonds have already passed similar policies. Everett has announced it will follow suit next year.

Pastor Max Miller, Jr. speaks for many of us. He is leading the opposition in Houston.

He told the press, "The reason we stand together is because this proposition is a reverse discrimination for those who trust and believe God. Shall we go with man, or shall we trust God?"

Miller, a black man, addressed the claims of "civil rights" being made by homosexuals.

He says, "You cannot allow two words---civil rights---to make you vote the wrong way. The color of skin was not colored by a crayon; it's how you were born. But what we are fighting now is a choice, but don't inflict it on God's church."

The ACLU and homosexual rights organizations have dumped hundreds of thousands of dollars---if not millions---into the issue in Houston.

Should they be challenged in Washington State, thousands, if not millions of dollars will flow into the state to defeat concerned parents and citizens, ensuring 10 elementary kids in Snohomish can use the toilet of their choice on any given day.

A couple of quick questions.

  • Is this "helping children" or contributing to their destructive confusion? Clearly they need help, not enablers.

  • Will local pastors lead in the opposition to this kind of idiocy? I believe they will.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Blessed.