Friday, September 09, 2016

Proud Mommy Report--5 Year Old Remembers What's Important

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Royce was running late for school, but as the 5 year old kindergarten student approached the entrance to his public school, he heard students inside saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
He stopped.
His mother urged him to "go"---"hurry."
The security guard at the front door of the school explained to the mother why her son had stopped.
Mom got a picture of the moment, and later posted a report of what had happened on Facebook.
She began with "Proud Mommy Report."
If you love our country, and love God, you'll be proud too.
While national news was reporting yesterday that "A female student shot and injured another female student and then killed herself inside a Texas high school bathroom on Thursday morning," a Houston TV station was reporting an event of a very different kind at another public school.
Royce Thompson was almost late for school at Wollam Elementary School in Santa Fe, Texas when he stopped running, put his hand on his heart and began to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
He heard other kids inside saying the Pledge---it was important to him, even though he was running a little late, he stopped and said it alone.
When he finished the Pledge, he also said a silent prayer. Prayer, as he knows, is not allowed inside the building.
Later a news reporter asked him what he prayed. Royce said I prayed, "Thank you God, thank you for a wonderful day."
All the while his mom, Heather, was urging him to hurry on in because he was late.
Security officer Cibby Moore, who was standing by the entrance, explained to the mom and later to the press what had happened.
She said, "I couldn't believe that he acknowledged that, that was a moment, you know, you need to stop do the Pledge and he just did. He just ignored all the kids around him and kept doing it."
Royce's mother said, "I was so proud that he stopped when the Pledge of Allegiance came and stood his ground and did not move as the other kids were going in and then took time out and prayed and did not even care or think twice about it,"
She posted this on her Facebook page:
🚨PROUD MOMMY ALERT🚨 I had dropped Royce off in the line..by the time I drove up he was doing this.. I couldn't really tell what he was doing and I was saying "Royce..go..go" as kids walked around him. Well he didn't budge and I thought what is this child doing? The officer said "mom he's doing good, he stopped for the Pledge of Allegiance ( and then she puts her hand over her heart to show me) and now he's praying". Since they do not have prayer in schools he says a little prayer silently and that's exactly what he was doing. I was so proud that he stopped when the Pledge of Allegiance came and stood his ground and did not move as the other kids were going in and then took time out and prayed and did not even care or think twice about it. This is such a beautiful picture 🙏🕇🤗
It is indeed a beautiful picture.
It was the Prophet Isaiah (11:6, 8-9) who spoke of a day yet to come when "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a child shall lead them."
Jesus picked up the theme of the child in His teaching recorded in Matthew, Mark and Luke. He taught those wishing to enter the kingdom must do so as a child.
More on this on our live radio program today at 9 AM PDT. You may join me live on the air, on your computer or on your phone. Here's how
Be Blessed.