Monday, November 18, 2019

Seattle Based Planned Parenthood Expanding To "Conservative States"

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According to the Seattle Times, Chris Charbonneau, the CEO of Seattle based Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and Hawaii, "just pulled off a stealth operation."

Charbonneau, who heads up PP in the far Left Northwest and Hawaii, is using Northwest money to take over and financially sustain abortion operations in "red states" Kentucky and Indiana.

They have pulled off the "merger" undercover-- until now.

Here's what's happening.

Be informed.

The stealth operation

The Seattle Times says in an article published online yesterday afternoon,
"The merger with an affiliate 2000 miles away ----not yet official but already happening in practice, as an alliance headed by Charbonneau---takes the Seattle-based Planned Parenthood affiliate into some of the most hostile territory for abortion rights. It also represents the lengths to which affiliates are going as they struggle to survive amid newly restrictive abortion laws and changes in women's health care..."

The Times says,
"The Seattle based affiliate has 'easier politics' and a 'nicer fundraising environment'," quoting Charbonneau---continuing, "The foray into the middle of the country is an experiment in bringing those advantages to red state areas."

And the Times explains,
"In a hushed way, Planned Parenthood increasingly plans new clinics in uncertain terrain, she turned to a Seattle developer she knows and asked him to buy a building for her. He put money down on a pleasant, low slung structure with a well-kept lawn, and kept the secret from Planned Parenthood opponents for months."

She says when the local Christians found out what they were doing, they brought out their picket signs---but it's too late because MS. Charbonneau "already had her ducks in a row," she boasts. And money to pay for it.

In fact, Charbonneau says PP's national office had already been talking to Kentucky and Indiana about how to help them due to their restrictive abortion laws. She says when Mike Pence---"an ardent foe of abortion"--- left the Indiana Governor's Office for the vice presidency, the opportunity to move in was "almost irresistible."

The money.

The Times claims, "The Seattle-based affiliate is a powerhouse." With several mergers under its belt, it had 27 health centers and $58 million in revenue, as of 2018 annual report.

The Indiana and Kentucky affiliate, by comparison, had $19 million in revenue and 17 clinics---21 fewer than 15 years ago. Only 2 of them are in Kentucky.

Charbonneau has been telling PP's national office all along, "We can do this, but we're going to need some help".

Planned Parenthood's national office promised her up to $10 million to prime the pump, but the PP folks in Indiana and Kentucky needed some persuasion. They would have preferred someone closer geographically than Seattle, but in the end, the money spoke.

In August Planned Parenthood nationwide withdrew from Title X because of President Trump's Administration's restrictions on tax-payer funding for abortion.

WA Governor Jay Inslee promised Charbonneau he would use state money to "help make up the loss" of the funds due to Trump's pro-life policies.

Back in 2008, Idaho PP merged with Charbonneau's operation. Rebecca Gibron, who led the Idaho merge, then became the COO of the Northwest group reporting to Charbonneau and says "a deeper bench has helped her grow" the Idaho abortion operation.

The Seattle Times says, "Charbonneau radiates optimism, nurtured by political sunshine."

She speaks of good times ahead with her new model.

But the facts tell a different story.

The US abortion rate dropped 20% between 2011 and 2017. Although many polls still show a majority of Americans still support the notion that abortion should be available. I wrote about the polls in this Faith and Freedom Daily column on Friday.

Some surveys show in Washington State, 61% say abortion should be legal "in most cases" while only 48% in Indiana and 43% in Kentucky agreed.

However, pro-life progress is being made. Do not grow weary in well-doing.

If at first, you don't succeed...

Planned Parenthood will do anything to stay in business. With more and more pro-life policies and laws being put in place, more and more so-called "women's health clinics" have lost revenue. Or have been shut down.

In fact, PP has been trying several innovations to increase the cash flow to their abortion clinics---because that's what they are.

In 2016 several clinics tried expanding into primary care. By their own account nobody came because they had a cold, or the flu---everybody knows Planned Parenthood is about abortion.

Recently, the CEO of Planned Parenthood, Dr. Wen, suggested PP turn more toward a true women's health care model. PP wanted none of that and they fired her.

The opening of the Fort Wayne, IN. abortion clinic included a sign on the door--"These doors stay open."

Planned Parenthood has also added new programs such as gender-affirming hormones for transgender patients. They say this is bringing in a lot of new patients and a lot of new revenue.

The deception. Why Planned Parenthood is the "face of evil."

In celebrating their new acquisitions, Ms. Charbonneau said: "This isn't a red state, blue state thing."

She's right. It's a spiritual matter.

It's a choice between life or death for a human being. Although it is reflected in demographics, it's spiritual, not political.

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, made it clear that her mission was to celebrate population control.

I strongly encourage you to read this article and this article from the Washington Times. They are well-sourced.

Here is an overview:

  • A few of years ago, Sanger was named one of TIME Magazine's 20 most influential Americans of all time.
  • She shaped the euthenics movement in America.
  • She advocated that "no more babies should be born for 10 years in developing countries."
  • She spoke and presented at a KLU KLUX KLAN rally in 1926 in Silver Lake, NJ.
  • She advocated the sterilization of "sick" people.
  • She said, "Eugenics without birth control seems to us a house built upon the sands. It is at the mercy of the rising stream of the unfit."
  • She repeatedly targeted black communities with her "healthcare" clinics.

Students For Life published this a couple of years ago:

Planned Parenthood and Racism
“…human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ‘spawning… human beings who never should have been born.” Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants, African Americans and poor people.
Planned Parenthood has a long and well-documented history of racism beginning with its founder, Margaret Sanger. More African-Americans have died from abortion than from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer, and heart disease combined. And in America today, a black child is three times more likely to be killed in the womb than a white child.
Since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25%.
Planned Parenthood operates the nation’s largest chain of abortion clinics and almost 80% of its facilities are located in minority neighborhoods. About 13% of American women are black, but they submit to over 35% of the abortions.
While these statistics are shocking, they are embedded in the history of Planned Parenthood. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was active with the Klu Klux Klan and the eugenics movement in the beginning of the twentieth century.

Planned Parenthood is the "face of evil."

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Bold. Bed Faithful. Be Prayerful.