Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Pastor Warnock- "No Comment" On Marxism

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Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler asked her Democrat opponent Pastor Raphael Warnock during Sunday's debate, "Can you here and now, for all Georgians, renounce socialism and Marxism?" 

He had no comment, even though he was asked repeatedly.

Neither did the mainstream press have any comment, because they knew his answer---and so should you.

Their silence is not from theological leanings, but because too many in the press share Warnock's Marxist beliefs---and control of the United States Senate hangs in the balance in the January 5 runoff election.

Most of us don't live in Georgia, but all of us will be affected by the outcome of that election, should Pastor Warnock and the other Democrat win, as control of the Senate will go to the Democrats.

Be informed, not misled.

Take a closer look.

Rev. Warnock, the senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta--the name sounds familiar because both Martin Luther King Sr. and Martin Luther King Jr. also led that church as pastor---could not bring himself to denounce Marxism, because he has written too much, and too favorably about the anti-Christian ideology.

And because he embraces it.

Two of his books praise Marxism. 

His book: "The Divided Mind of the Black Church: Theology, Piety, and Public Witness."

Warnock praises Marxism as a way "to teach the black church" regarding the "struggle against the obduracy of white capitalistic forces."

He said this in the "Divided Mind":

"To be sure, the Marxist critique has much to teach the black church. Indeed, it has played an important role in the maturation of black theology as an intellectual discipline, deepened black theology's apprehension of the interconnectivity of racial and class oppression and provided critical tools for a black church that has yet to awaken to a substantive third world consciousness."

Does he really believe this stuff?


I've written in this column in the past about the warped theology of Union Theological Seminary. Rev. Warnock attended Union Theological Seminary. Dr. James Cone was Warnock's adviser and mentor at the seminary.

Warnock considers Cone to be "the father of black theology."

It seems to me any theology that is identified by the color of one's skin would stand in stark contrast to MLK's theology that seemed to connect more closely with the "content of one's character" than "the color of one's skin."

The biblical basis for character development is abundantly clear. The appeal for a black theology of liberation and reparation is humanistic, not biblical.

And it's misleading to those who truly want to know God.

Dr. Cone called for "total reconstruction of society along the lines of democratic socialism."

In his book, "My Soul Looks Back", Cone called for the "total reconstruction of society along the lines of democratic socialism. 

In his book, "A Black Theology of Liberation," Cone teaches that "salvation comes from being like God and becoming 'black'---that is, adopting total political solidarity with the black community." He taught that "satanic whiteness" makes "white religionists" incapable of "perceiving the blackness of God"; therefore, "they must purge themselves of their whiteness."

 He says: "There will be no peace in America until white people begin to hate their whiteness, asking from the depths of their being: 'How can we become black'?"

Does this pastor who succeeded MLK Sr. and Jr. and now wants to be "senator," really believe that?

Rev. Warnock gave a eulogy after Cone's passing. In it, he said Dr. Cone "spoke with the power and the moral authority of a prophet."

Cone advised Warnock in his 2006 dissertation, "The Mission of the Black Church: A Discussion Among Black Theologians and Black Pastors," which became the basis for Warnock's book, "The Divided Mind."

In "The Divided Mind," Warnock cites at least 34 separate works by Cone, including several about Marxism. At one point in his book, Warnock helps the reader "understand" Cone's claim that the "white church is the Antichrist."

And further blames the "white church" for their "complicity and active participation" in white supremacy.

About reparations. 

In a 2014 interview with NPR Warnock suggested that the black middle class in the post-civil rights era ought to consider the redistribution of wealth---which is socialism. He noted that the Black middle class has too often given in to a kind of narcissism and the mindless consumeristic impulses of America---without asking the hard questions about redistribution of wealth.

About equality.

True equality is found at the cross of Jesus Christ---His death and resurrection provide the only true expression of equality. God so loved the world---He gave His only begotten Son---that whosoever believes in Him---will not perish, but have everlasting life. 

All have sinned. All are welcome. True salvation comes through spiritual transformation into the likeness of Christ, not into someone of different skin color.

Peter wrote (II Peter 2:1):

"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction." 

And Paul reminded the Galatians (1:9):

"As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."

This pastor is twisting the gospel to advance a social agenda---not the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Should he become a US Senator, he would likely use his influence to twist both the Constitution and our economic system.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful.