Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day: A Time to Remember

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Today is Memorial Day---a time to remember. Some will merely remember that today is the unofficial start of summer, a time for barbecue, small-town parades, family gatherings, and remembering loved ones.

Franklin Graham (and the Graham family) are reminding us to remember.

So is President Joe Biden.

And Vice President Kamala Harris---apparently she is forgetting. Or never knew.

Yesterday 100,000 bikers held their annual "Rolling to Remember" event, despite being denied a permit for a staging area from the Pentagon under President Biden's leadership.

Many years ago my grandmother wrote a poem and sent it to her oldest son---my uncle, who was serving our country on the other side of the world. It was her expression to a son she loved, but also a collective expression to all sons and daughters from all mothers who love their God, their children, and their country. 

Be informed.

The most important sacrifice to remember.

Franklin Graham noted that the Billy Graham ministry and family have a long history of ministering to American troops, their spouses, and families, remembering that his father visited both Korea and Vietnam.

Franklin Graham's son, Edward, is a retired Army Ranger.

He said, "It's extremely important that we remember the price that was paid for our freedom. And the lives that were lost fighting the wars of this country."

And he called for us to remember what Christ did to provide us with spiritual freedom: 
"Christ laid down His life so that we could have eternal life. He gave His life and shed His blood for our sins. We deserve the cross; we deserve to die. We're the ones who are guilty. He's not guilty. But He loved us so much that He took our shame. He took our sins. And He died in our place and shed His blood on the cross, was buried. But God raised Him to life. And that's our hope. That if we put our faith and trust in Christ, that we'll have eternal life."

How others are remembering.

  • The annual "Rolling to Remember" event which is organized by AMVETS and gathers thousands of motorcycles and spectators to honor POW-MIA, happened yesterday despite the fact that the Pentagon under President Biden's leadership denied a permit for a staging area. Organizers said the resistance would make the rally, which they call "Rolling Thunder" even bigger with about "100,000 bikes" participating.

  • President Joe Biden made some Memorial Day comments yesterday as well. He thanked all who served and pushed to make Memorial Day a day "to unite as Americans for Monday's day of remembrance." He noted his son had died of a brain tumor, after serving in the military, but would have otherwise been standing with him at this time of remembering.

  • Vice President Kamala Harris apparently never bothered to take a history course that wasn't revised. She simply tweeted a picture of herself . Under her selfie, she wrote: "Enjoy a long weekend." 

I'm not the only one who noticed what our Vice President thinks is important on Memorial Day. I agree with their sentiments but won't publish their words.

My grandmother was a patriot who loved God, family, and country. 

Her oldest son---my uncle who was serving in the US military, had written a poem to his mother. He knew she loved poems.

His mother, my grandmother responded with this:

A mother's Vision (Dedicated to my son and our boys across the sea)

Dear Son:

With pride your poem I read, and I sensed plain truth in the words that you said.

Tho' the bullets that are flying are far away, Some mother's boy will have to pay---with his life-blood for freedom that we might live---The supreme sacrifice he will give.

And somehow I-as I read those lines so true, I'm wondering if we are doing all we can do---For these dear boys who face the "Call" leaving families, and sweethearts, giving their all.

As I pondered the question within my heart, And I said---"Dear God, help me do my part---on the battlefield so far away. Help me Oh, God to always pray for the Laddies out there who mean to stand till freedom reigns on Sea and land."

Then a voice I heard so soft and low---"Mothers," it said, "you too can go, to that battlefield beyond the seas---But remember your place will be on your knees, It's not by Power, it's not by Might, It's the spirit of Prayer that will win this Fight!

A Purple Heart you may never wear, But hearts of gold are fighting there---Who need your prayer and courage too, that they might win and come back with you.

I bowed my head, I vowed anew, whatever the cost I will be true to God the Father, God the Son, And millions of fighting Boys as one. And send a prayer as a shaft of light, to those Boys---through the long dark night---and make it so real that every boy can feel---A nail-scarred hand placed in his own---A presence that is leading and guiding them home."     


Be Mindful. Be Grateful. Be Prayerful.