Monday, June 07, 2021

Fauci: "Attacking Me is Attacking Science"

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On Friday's broadcast of MSNBC's "Rachel Maddow Show," Dr. Fauci said the attacks on him are really just an attack on "science," feeding the lie that "Christians and conservatives don't believe in science."

The "attacks" are really not "attacks," rather the public reading of Dr. Fauci's emails over the past few years.

Fauci has come to believe his own press release. Some thoughts on conservatism, Christianity and science.

And Fauci.

Also--- yesterday, the West remembered "D-Day." Some thoughts on that as well.

Be informed, not misled.

Remembering D-Day

Yesterday marked the 77th anniversary of "D-DAY."  The day that, after years of preparation, practice, and training, the Allies had come to break German power in Europe.

Newt Gingrich writes, "It was the greatest gamble in World War II."

On June 6, 1941, more than 156,000 allied forces launched from the sea onto the beaches of Normandy. Nearly 7,000 allied ships commanded the French coastline, and more than 3200 aircraft dominated the skies. A few miles inland, 23,000 paratroopers landed to block German reinforcements from the shore.

On D-Day 4,414 allied troops lost their lives, 2501 of them Americans. More than 5000 were wounded. On the German side, several thousand were killed or wounded.

In his article, Gingrich affirmed the spirit of defending freedom. The Associated Press article that was republished in almost every newspaper in the country yesterday, seemed to focus on the few people who attended the ceremony.

French Defense Minister Florence Parly said of June 6, 1941, "In the heart of the mist that enveloped the Normandy Coast...was a lightning bolt of freedom...France does not forget. France is forever grateful." 

General Dwight D. Eisenhower's message to the allied forces made clear the moral implications of D-Day.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt made the moral commitment of liberating Europe clear in a radio address that evening when he asked the American people to join him in prayer.

I'll be sharing the words of Roosevelt's prayer and Gen. Eisenhower's words today on our daily radio program.

You may join me on the radio stations listed, or from anywhere in the world online. Here's how.

Dr. Fauci is being  called to task--- held accountable--- and he doesn't like it one little bit.

There's an old saying in Hollywood where I once served as a pastor---"When you begin believing your own press releases, you're finished."

Dr. Fauci told far-left MSNBC's "Rachel Maddow Show" when asked about recent criticism following the release of his personal emails, that all this is "really very much an attack on science" and "the thread going through what's happening now is very much an anti-science approach."

He continued, expressing concern: "Well, I'm concerned about that, more because it's really just an attack on science, I think, Rachel."

Well, not really.

It's neither, what President Biden called "neanderthal" conservatives and biblical Christians who refuse to believe in science, nor the Republicans who are "still trying to overturn an election."

It's really about the 3,234 emails that have, as a result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, now been made public.

It's about "truth", not science.

Spencer Brown at Townhall notes that last week was not a "great one for Dr. Anthony Fauci, the man who led our country in months upon months of pandemic dinner theater while gaslighting Senator Rand Paul and the American people into believing one thing  after saying another behind closed doors."

If you would like to read the 3,234 emails, click here.

These emails were very bad news for the man that assured Americans that wearing a mask was the best way to protect oneself and there was no credibility to the theory that the pandemic sprung from a Chinese lab. These assurances came as the dumped emails show after he had written others about how the masks most Americans bought were "useless" against the Wuhan virus.

It also becomes pretty clear that the doctor was trying to shield the Chinese lab in Wuhan from any responsibility for the virus spreading across the world---while, in a scientific tone of voice, explaining that it came from a bat somewhere else and somehow jumped to the human race.

Then we found out that Fauci was actually funding some of the most dangerous kind of testing---gain of function---on the virus in the Wuhan lab.

Last Wednesday evening listings of his forthcoming book had disappeared from both Barnes and Noble and Amazon. That was the trigger that launched the rescue. Fauci and the media went into full recovery mode producing comments that claim that anyone who disagrees with Fauci is disagreeing with science.

After the press has spent the past 15 months propping up "America's public health savior," they were now being called to reframe the damaging emails which reveal duplicitousness which is killing any remaining credibility.

A couple of things we must remember.

Fauci had apparently begun believing his own press releases. 

As the White House pursued the "nothing to see here" investigation into the origin of the Wuhan virus, the press beclowned themselves with praises for Fauci.

  • InStyle Magazine featured him as "The Good Doctor."
  • TIME Magazine: "Guardian of the Year." (December)
  • TIME Magazine: "The 100 Most Influential People" (September)
  • People Magazine: "People of the Year."
  • Washington Magazine: "Top Doctors."
  • Plus Magazine: "The Scientist in Chief."
  • Honorable Book Mention: "How a Boy From Brooklyn Became America's Doctor."

And then there was the Fauci merch. From caps to bobbleheads to T-shirts to candles to duvets.

Far-left Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has been pushing the "Fauci Pillow."

There's more, but you get the point.

Christianity and science.

In his book "The Genesis of Science," British writer James Hannam says "many of the alleged examples of religion holding back scientific progress turn out to be bogus." 

"For instance," he says, "the church never taught the earth was flat...let alone excommunicate Halley's Comet. No one, I am pleased to say, was ever burnt at the stake for scientific ideas. Yet all these stories are regularly trotted out as examples of clerical intransigence in the face of scientific progress."

His book is about how Christianity has led science---particularly in the Middle Ages. He notes that by the seventeenth century the Jesuit order had become the leading scientific organization in Europe.

To study the natural world was to study the Creator.

"Christianity inspired Copernicus to reject the ugly Ptolemaic universe; that drove Johannes Kepler to discover the constitution of the solar system; that convinced James Maxwell he could reduce electromagnetism to a set of equations so elegant they take the breath away," Hannan says.

He says the era most dominated by Christian faith, the Middle Ages, was a time of innovation and progress. "Inventions like the mechanical clock, glasses, printing and accountancy all burst on the scene. In the field of physics, scholars have found how medieval theories about accelerated motion, the rotation of the earth, and inertia embedded in the works of Copernicus and Galileo."

Even in the so-called "Dark Ages" research by Christian believers led to agricultural discoveries that caused productivity to soar with the use of heavy plows, horse collars, crop rotation, and watermills.

Stephen Meyer PhD., director of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, says the impact of Christianity on scientific advancement is significant. He notes that the only argument is whether Catholics or Protestants contributed most.

He says the reason Christianity has contributed so much to science is that "nature is intelligible. There's an order and design that can be understood and discerned by a scientist because nature is the product of a rational mind, namely the mind of God, and that, that same mind or Creator who made nature with that rational order built into it made us and our reason, so that we could perceive and understand the reason that He built into nature."

Meyer says, "There were a number of ways in which Christianity gave rise to modern science, and the idea that a set of naturalistic assumptions is necessary to do science is just historically false."


Paul wrote to the Roman Christians (Romans chapter 1) explaining that God is evident in His creation. 

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the Creation of the world, His invisible attributes are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse, because although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were they thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools."

To suggest that Christianity is anti-science is a fool professing to be wise. It is the deception under the guise of "science" that we reject.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant Be Prayerful.