Friday, May 27, 2022

Ocasio-Cortez: "Fundamentalist Christians" Are The Problem

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With the official Supreme Court ruling on abortion coming in the very near future, far-left activist and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is defining "the problem" for the abortion industry.

"Fundamentalist Christians," she says, "and their 'theocratic push' against abortion is the problem."

To underscore how out of touch this kind of "Christian" is she suggests that even Judaism is OK with abortion.

Jesus, in a parable, told his misled religious detractors, "Can the blind lead the blind? Shall they not both fall into the ditch?"

Be informed, not misled.

I will be talking some about the latest from the school shooting in Texas on our radio program this morning. Please join me. Here's how.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's recent comments blaming "fundamentalist Christians" for the "theocratic" push against abortion and suggesting that Judaism is OK with abortion, which has drawn a response from some non-Christians.

In a lengthy Instagram post last Thursday, the progressive lawmaker from New York City criticized the argument of abortion opponents who believe that abortion is "harming a life."

"Well, some religions don't [believe that]," she responded. "Our Jewish brothers and sisters, they are able to have an abortion according to their faith."

"[T]here are so many faiths that do not have the same definition of life as fundamentalist Christians," she said, expressing concern about the ability of non-Christians to "exercise their faith."

"It's ridiculous and it is theocratic, it's authoritarian, it is wrong," she declared.

You have to be pretty wrong to get atheists to stand up for biblical Christians, but that's how out of touch some of these "public servants" have become.

An atheist calls her out.

The Christian Post reports:

Terrisa Bukovinac, a pro-life atheist and the founder of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, described Ocasio-Cortez's "claim that you have to be religious to oppose killing children in their earliest stages of life" as a "lie" being "perpetuated by the Abortion Industrial Complex since before Roe v. Wade."

"You don't have to be religious to recognize that abortion is murder," Bukovinac said in a statement to The Christian Post.

"Pro-life people are the ones working towards a separation of church and state," Bukovinac asserted. "We want the law to reflect the scientific reality that life begins at conception, not just whenever we believe life begins. The concept of a human non-person has been used exclusively to discriminate against whole groups of human beings and in the case of the unborn, that discrimination is lethal almost 100% of the time."

A well-known Orthodox Jew calls her out.

Ben Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew, and well-known conservative political commentator also pushed back against Ocasio-Cortez's claim that Judaism permits abortion.

On Monday's episode of his podcast, Shapiro said, "Explain to me where in Jewish law abortion is widely permissible. I'm waiting to hear, rabbi."

An amicus brief filed with the Supreme Court last year by the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation, the Coalition for Jewish Values, and other Jewish organizations and rabbis was very clear: "Jewish law prohibits abortion and Judaism obligates us to protect innocent life in the womb."

Ryan Jones is an editor for Israel Today. He is a Christian and had this reaction to Ocasio-Cortez's claims: "Another day, another line of fake news from the lips of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. And with a healthy misrepresentation of Judaism to boot."

He said, “Fundamentalist Christians” are a big problem in America, according to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, better known by her acronym of AOC. And in a short video rant posted to social media, she enlisted Jews to help besmirch those Christians over the hot topic of abortion."

He continued:

That might come as a surprise given AOC’s affiliation with the increasingly antisemitic progressive fringe of the Democratic Party. She is a founding member of “The Squad,” a group of freshman House representatives (some are now in their second term) who frequently badmouth the Jewish state.

Her claim that “our Jewish brothers and sisters can have an abortion according to their faith” (emphasis mine) would seem well-founded in light of how easily Israel approves the procedure. But in reality, it betrays an ignorance of Judaism’s position on the subject.

In broad strokes, Judaism views a fetus as a living creature but refrains from granting it the status of personhood. However, Judaism is largely noncommittal about the entire affair. And it certainly shouldn’t be portrayed as pro-abortion or pro-choice.

But dragging Judaism into the raucous political debate over abortion is a step too far for some rabbis. And some rabbis have argued that if Judaism is to be forced to pick a side, it’s as likely as not to land on the side of the fundamentalist Christians that AOC so reviles.

Another very well-known Jew warns about the blind leading the blind.

In Matthew 15:14 Jesus talks about the blind leading the blind---emphasizing the foolishness of the situation.

Interestingly, "Guide for the blind" was a common title for the Jewish teachers of that Day. Romans 2:19 makes reference to them.

When the blind leads the blind, the results are always the same. They both end up in a ditch...or a pit, depending on which translation you're reading (Luke 6:39).

Christ’s parable of the blind leading the blind is just as relevant today as in Jesus’ day. The tendency to elevate human interpretation of Scripture and tradition to a place of equal authority with God’s Word is a blindness that has afflicted people of every generation. The inclination Jesus confronted in the Pharisees is no different from the self-appointed moral "leaders" today.

There is a marked move by the Left in our country to use Scripture and biblical principles to influence people---not for their good but to advance a political agenda under the guise of spirituality and biblical Truth.

Jesus calls them hypocrites and warns us to remove ourselves from them.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.