Tuesday, July 18, 2023

White House Cocaine Problem: "We Did The Best We Could"

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Anchor Shannon Bream asked on Fox News Sunday, “I want to talk about a national security issue that is domestic and that is cocaine in the White House.”

White House aide John Kirby said the inconclusive investigation into who brought cocaine into the West Wing was handled properly.

She added, “Certainly you can understand that Americans, many of them, first of all, are aghast that there was ever cocaine in the White House. We heard reports of marijuana a couple of times found there last year as well. But more importantly, it is that the case was closed in less than two weeks.”

A former Secret Service member agrees with Shannon. Most of us do.

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Kirby said, “I can’t really speak to the investigation done by the Secret Service. They did the best they could to track down how it got there and who it might belong to. They just we’re not able to come up with any forensic evidence that proves it. But of course, we take this seriously. This is not the kind of thing we want to see happen. It did happen to the visitors' lobby area just outside the main West Wing. It is a highly trafficked area. We are going to take a look at how that happened and if there are things we could do to prevent that in the future we will certainly do that. No one is happy about this.”

The Left always promises they will work hard to see this never happens again; regardless of what "this" is.

The moving mystery of the cocaine.

The story of cocaine found at the Biden White House has been quite the mystery. It was a narrative that just wouldn’t stop changing. First, the cocaine was found “near” the White House and wasn’t really cocaine. Then it actually was cocaine. Then it was found in the White House Library and was left by a tourist. After that, it was found at the West Executive Entrance and was left by a construction worker.

Would you expect anything other than this from the Biden family?

The claims just kept morphing. Seemingly every day brought about a new shift despite the location being a detail that would have been known since the initial discovery. And then, just as the White House had settled on a final narrative, the investigation suddenly ended.

Who was responsible? According to the Secret Service, it was just a mystery too deep to solve. Sure, there were cameras at the West Executive Entrance, multiple checkpoints, and even a visitor log, but the agency that is tasked with stopping assassins simply couldn’t crack the code.

A former Secret Service agent says, "They know."

According to Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent with over a decade of experience, says his peers aren’t happy about this.

When asked about it, Bongino said this:

So there are probably less than 200 people who could have left this cocaine, by the way, in a bag that is plastic, which is non-porous, meaning it’s probably not that hard to pull a latent print. They’ve got to know who did it. The question who’s pressuring them to not find out who did it? And it’s gotta be coming from this White House. This is terrible. Don’t destroy this agency like the FBI. It’s really unbecoming.

A lot of my former colleagues at the Secret Service who retired, they are absolutely furious about this. Oh yeah, yeah, I can tell you, I got 50 emails, communications, and texts from people. “This is embarrassing, humiliating.” These are good guys, man, guys who worked for Obama and Bush, non-partisan guys, most of them aren’t even political. This is embarrassing, they know exactly who it was.

Bongino was then asked, "So do these people want it to come out that it was probably Hunter Biden?"

Well, you know, the question is whether it was Hunter or one of his friends. But like here’s the thing. I’m in the Secret Service for 12 years, a good amount of time. We never had this problem.... So, keep it simple stupid... You’ve got this guy, we never found coke in there before. You’ve got a dude who’s doing coke on tape, who’s got a reputation for being a coke addict. He’s living in the White House. He’s there on Friday. The coke’s found there on Sunday, and everybody is like, “Gosh, who could it be?”

One of the things that Bongino says is that the "West Wing is a totally different ballgame than the East Wing. Almost all the tours happen in the latter part of the White House, which is why the story about it being found in the library was immediately spun as proof it was a tourist."

"When it was finally confirmed it was found at the West Executive Entrance," he says, "that changed things. Suddenly, the list of possible suspects narrowed dramatically, and still, we are to believe the Secret Service just couldn’t figure it out."

Bongino’s reference to agents he used to work with being embarrassed makes a lot of sense. You’ve got what is supposed to be a premier law enforcement agency throwing its hands up after rushing an investigation, claiming they can’t figure out who left a bag of cocaine lying around in a public place at the most surveilled location in the world. 

Does the Biden family really think the public is not smart enough to see the elephant in the room? 


In the end, is this the most important story in the world? 

No, it’s not, but that’s not really the point. The point is the constant obfuscation from the White House and the way in which federal agencies consistently seek to protect the Bidens, not just from accusations about conduct, but even from basic questions.

Founding Father Noah Webster observed, "The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all of our civil constitutions and laws ...All the miseries, and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery and war, proceed from the despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible."

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.