Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Biden Impeachment Inquiry Begins

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The U.S. House of Representatives is going to hold its first impeachment inquiry hearing this month, the House Oversight Committee confirmed yesterday.  

The first hearing will take place on Thursday, Sept. 28, a spokesperson for the House Oversight Committee told the press.

"The hearing will focus on constitutional and legal questions surrounding the president’s involvement in corruption and abuse of public office," the spokesperson said. "The Committee also intends to subpoena Hunter and James Biden’s personal and business bank records as early as this week. The Oversight Committee will continue to follow the evidence and money trail to provide the transparency and accountability that Americans demand from their government.”

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is doing what he promised to do. Some believe he is putting his political career on the line.

Be informed, not misled.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced on Sept. 12 that the House will open an impeachment inquiry to investigate the possible involvement of President Joe Biden in the business dealings of his son Hunter Biden.

He has kept his word.

He said, “House Republicans have uncovered serious and credible allegations into President Biden's conduct. Taken together these allegations paint a picture of a culture of corruption.” 

“Today I am directing our house committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. This logical next step will give our committees, the full power to gather all the facts and answers for the American public,” Mr. McCarthy said.

He noted that "The investigation will be led by Reps. James Comer (R-Ky.), Jason Smith (R-Mo.), Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the chairmen of the oversight, ways and means, and judiciary committees, respectively."

The inquiry has begun.

Ian Sams, a White House spokesman, said that Republicans have already been investigating the president and have "turned up no evidence of wrongdoing."

President Biden recently told reporters, "The best I can tell, they want to impeach me because they want to shut down the government.”

He knows better than that. This is not about "shutting the government down"; it's about shutting down the corruption that is apparently emanating from the White House.

Those who have been looking into these matters certainly know better.

Mr. Comer and other Republicans have found that the president spoke repeatedly to business partners of Hunter Biden, including at dinners at Washington's Cafe Milano. They also confirmed that President Biden sent emails under pseudonyms while vice president, including accounts that corresponded with Mr. Hunter Biden.

Mr. Biden, other Biden family members, and associates received more than $21 million, primarily from foreigners, while President Biden was vice president.

Mr. Biden was charged related to tax violations, but those charges were withdrawn after a plea deal fell apart. He was also charged with several felony gun crimes this month. Mr. Biden sued the IRS on Sept. 18 for allegedly breaching his right to privacy by speaking publicly about the agency's probe into him.

Is there enough evidence to impeach President Biden?

Under the U.S. Constitution, the House can bring impeachment charges via a simple majority against the president or another official.

Some Republicans say that the evidence is already sufficient to impeach President Biden.

"Here's the reality: As Vice President, Joe Biden changed U.S. foreign policy to the benefit of a Ukrainian business paying Hunter Biden," Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said in an op-ed this week.

"In my mind, we have more than enough to impeach him right now. I don't think we have to go through the process of an impeachment inquiry," Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) said on Newsmax.

Others have said that starting the inquiry will empower members to dig further.

On ABC's "This Week," Rep. Nany Mace (R-S.C.) said: "There are text messages, there are emails, there are witnesses, there are whistleblowers, there are meetings, there are phone calls, there are dinners. And you can’t say, 'Hey, there’s a little bit of smoke, we’re not going to follow the fire.' And the inquiry, my understanding is, as you said earlier, gives us expanded subpoena powers."


NBC ran the headline "Vulnerable Republicans Aren't Sold on Impeaching Biden," labeling those who are strongly supportive of proceeding as "right-wing hard-liners" while giving much of their story to dissenting Republicans and Leftist naysayers---marching to the same drum beat as ABC.

As this inquiry proceeds, the reporting by the mainstream press will become nothing more than a support system for the Biden family---the story of a concerned father helping his wayward son.

Who is on the right side of this issue?

The Left is saying this action by Republicans will serve to further divide our country. 

Maybe not.

Reuters polling shows a plurality, 41 percent, support an impeachment inquiry, while 35 percent oppose it. Twenty-four percent are unsure.

According to a recent CNN survey, sixty-one percent of Americans believe Joe Biden was involved in his family’s business deals with China and Ukraine. Only 38 percent say Joe Biden was not involved, and just one percent say he was involved and did nothing wrong.


In a letter to Thomas Jefferson, John Adams wrote, 

"Have you ever found in history, one single example of a Nation thoroughly corrupted that was afterward restored to virtue?...And without virtue, there can be no political liberty...Will you tell me how to prevent riches from becoming the effects of temperance and industry?"

America is asking itself these same questions as we approach the 2024 elections. Who should lead us? And are we capable of returning to our founding principles? To virtue? To political liberty?

Adams also prayed that God "would make us sensible that 'righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people'" (Proverbs 14:34).

Be Informed. Be Prayerful. Be Discerning. Be Engaged.