Thursday, September 21, 2023

Marxist-led American Library Association Loses More Dues

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Thanks to determined and vocal taxpayers, another public library has pulled its annual dues to the Marxist-led American Library Association---This time in Florida.

Could self-described Marxist lesbian, newly appointed ALA President Emily Drabinski become to public libraries what  Dylan Mulvaney became to Bud Light?

Be informed, not misled.

American Family News is reporting:

Citrus County, Florida may have become the first community in The Sunshine State to yank ALA dues in recent years. The county commission approved a library budget that did not include money for the controversial national library organization, which is currently led by a self-described Marxist lesbian named Emily Drabinski.  

The vote on the library budget, which was Sept. 7, came after a library advisory board voted 5-1 in late August to recommend dropping the annual dues that come from Citrus County taxpayers.

Citrus County, home to approximately 153,000 Floridians, touches the Gulf Coast on Florida’s west central coast. Its residents voted 74%-25% for Gov. Ron DeSantis over Charlie Crist last year.

Brian Camenker, who leads MassResistance, a Christian-based advocacy group, told AFN the library board vote sailed through after two “leftists” didn’t appear. Then, the county commission, which wrestled over allowing a “Pride” display last year, was faced with whether to follow the recommendation.  

“They just quietly pulled it out of the budget and that was that,” Camenker recalls.

The new face of America's libraries?

When elected to her position last year, Emily Drabinski posted this on social media: 

"Hey, I cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of @ALALibrary,” 

In introducing Drabinski to the nation, the ALA said of their organization, "American Library Association (ALA) is the foremost national organization providing resources to inspire library and information professionals to transform their communities through essential programs and services. For more than 140 years, ALA has been the trusted voice of libraries, advocating for the profession and the library’s role in enhancing learning and ensuring access to information for all. For more information, visit"

The Boy Scouts was once a "foremost national organization for over 100 years" as well.

Why has it taken so long for people to learn about this destructive lurch to the far Left?

The far-left views of the American Library Association have gone mostly unnoticed or ignored by the public, as have those same dangerous political views inside numerous library branches, but then Drabinski pulled away the communist curtain.

It took months for the public to learn what the ALA had done, so the backlash was slow, but numerous states have now taken action to cut ties with the ALA.

Montana was the first state to pull their support of the ALA. I wrote about it here and talked about it on our daily radio program. Montana leadership said, “Our oath of office and resulting duty to the Constitution forbids association with an organization led by a Marxist."

Now other states are following and withdrawing from their association with the ALA.

Finally reacting to the backlash, Drabinski complained to NBC News last month that she was the victim of unfair “targeted attacks” by critics, though historians similarly say Communism unfairly targeted 100 million people who are no longer alive during the 20th century.

Even in her semi-apology, Drabinski's interview with NBC News was sprinkled with Marxist, collectivist ideology.

"My own personal political viewpoint is a target right now, but my personal agenda doesn’t drive the association,” she said, referring to the ALA. “It’s the agenda of all of us together.”

Apparently, she's trying to convince the public that although she is openly a Marxist, she is a different person in her role with the ALA.

Nobody believes her. The male perverts are gleefully skipping around public libraries putting on so-called "Drag Queen" performances for 5-year-olds and their stupid, uninformed mothers, while the more sane among us know exactly what she is all about. And that's not the local library they want to support or visit.

NBC News reported, "Emily Drabinski took over as president of the American Library Association in July with plans to tackle the pressing issues facing her profession, such as shoring up funding and fighting a record number of book ban attempts nationwide."

The "book ban attempts" are the efforts of normal parents trying to rescue their little children from libraries, introducing the little kids to hard-core pornography.

Senator John Kennedy, just last week, read portions of some of these books on the record during a committee hearing.

ABC 7 reported, "More than a few faces on Capitol Hill turned red as Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., read explicit passages from two controversial books at the center of the book ban debate. The shocking moment took place during a Senate Judiciary hearing on book banning."

Why is reading pornography to policy-making adults "shocking" while these same shocked adults are trying to keep this trash in front of our children?

ABC 7 continued, "In an effort to hammer home his point about the appropriateness of the books in question, Kennedy read excerpts from 'All Boys Aren't Blue' and 'Gender Queer.'"

Efforts to remove books like those from schools and the children's section of public libraries have ramped up in the past few years. The fight has turned deeply political.

NBC continued their defense of  Drabinski, "She said she wants to make sure that the LBGTQ community and Black people see themselves reflected in the books on their library shelves. And she’s planning to prepare libraries for the consequences of climate change, pointing to the severe flooding this summer in the Northeast. "

GOP lawmakers in several states have now called for defunding the American Library Association because of Emily Drabinski's identity and political beliefs.

Marxism is the end of our freedom. And some among us understand that.

This is a battle that is spiritual, not political. It is not against flesh and blood but against dark spiritual powers.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.