Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The "Fork In The Road"

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"Fork in the road" is a metaphor for a moment in life when a major choice must be made between several options and the choice cannot be reversed once made. 

Disney and John Deere companies have come to their "fork in the road" moments and have made their decisions.

It's in the news this week.

America, I believe, is also standing at our "fork in the road" moment. Perhaps it's as important as July 4, 1776. Or April 12, 1861.

Winston Churchill said, "The destiny of man is not measured by material computations. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we're spirits--not animals."

And he said, "There's something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty."

I'll be talking more about this and the latest on the presidential campaign this morning on the radio.

Be informed, not misled.


On October 27, 1964, Ronald Reagan quoted Churchill and added, "You and I have a rendezvous with destiny."

And he said, "We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness."

We can't expect to prosper if we continue on the path we have walked for the past three years. 

Both corporations and ordinary individuals are realizing we stand at the "fork in the road." 

Disney and John Deere, both well-known US companies, have faced their destiny and made their choice. One has chosen the right path--the other the wrong path.

John Deere chooses their path.

John Deere announced it will be scuttling nearly all its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) polices in favor of a quality-based workplace. The major tractor company released a statement on its X account Tuesday saying that it will commit to prioritizing quality and customer trust over DEI initiatives.

"Our customers’ trust and confidence in us are of the utmost importance to everyone at John Deere. We fully intend to earn it every day and in every way we can," the post read, along with a full statement.

Their efforts include pledging the company "will no longer participate in or support external social or cultural awareness parades, festivals or events," will be "auditing all company-mandated training materials and policies to ensure the absence of socially motivated messages" and "reaffirming within the business that the existence of diversity quotas and pronoun identification has never been and are not company policy." 

In addition, the statement said that employee resource groups "will exclusively be focused on professional development, networking, mentoring and supporting talent recruitment efforts."

The statement came about a week after filmmaker Robby Starbuck released a video report on a number of woke policies at John Deere, saying he found the company was "funding a pride event for kids as young as 3," asking employees to "list their ‘preferred pronouns’ on all communications," promoting a "United for Equity" program among accounting and finance teams and forming "LGBTQ & race-based identity groups at corporate."

RE Disney's path.

After losing billions of dollars due to the public walking away from their products, Disney continues to pursue its path of perversion.

The company recognizes its "misalignment with public and consumer tastes and preferences for entertainment, travel, and consumer products … impact demand for [its] entertainment offerings and products and … profitability."

Still, it remains committed to "efforts to achieve social goals," including the further mainstreaming of the LGBTQ agenda.

A member of Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe's team has confirmed that Disney continues to actively work to expose children to LGBTQ ideology.

Specifically, Disney's creative marketing director Amit Gurnani, a drag queen, was caught on camera saying the company, formerly known for its family entertainment, will continue to prioritize anti-family content and groom children.

"It's the unspoken thing for children to see LGBTQ content," Gurnani said in the video released online July 3. "Bob Iger is not axing LGBTQ content at all. I'd love to get a drag queen at Disneyland… I'm sure that would happen at some point."

RE America

Churchill's comments-- "There's something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty," are more poignant today than when he spoke them.

Alexander Hamilton said, "A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one." 

The so-called "progressive" Left has given away our country to some of the most base behaviors known to mankind since the Fall of Man, with the insistence of advancing the so-called LGBTQIA+ agenda. 

Both our moral and economic policies have been trashed by the Left. They are stealing our country.

At the end of the Constitutional Convention, as delegates emerged from their secret deliberations, a Philadelphia woman—one “Mrs. Powell”—asked Pennsylvania delegate Benjamin Franklin what kind of government the convention had given them.

Franklin answered her: “A republic … if you can keep it.”

Kevin Roberts, PhD, a Heritage Foundation Trustee, writes, "Franklin’s challenge feels so bracing still, two centuries later. Today, the nation is increasingly misgoverned, misled, and outright attacked by a ruling elite that does not want us to 'keep' our republic."

In fact, they want to take it from us. Look back no further than how our elected and unelected officials acted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, we think of America’s Revolution, founding, and history as a heroic story about the triumph of the human spirit: the little guy standing up to the bullies, fighting for freedom against oppressors. But as you know, there are always some people who don’t like a David and Goliath story: the Goliaths.

In the 18th century, that was Europe’s aristocracy. They hated the American Revolution and our Constitution because the fundamental idea of our nation is that here, the people rule. We didn’t need elites to tell us what to do.

In the 19th century, when France’s revolutionaries insisted that “freedom” required totalitarian oppression, America proved otherwise.

And when a new generation of privileged, landed elites in our own land declared that all men were not created equal, America rededicated itself to the principles of 1776. We fought, we reunited, and—“with malice toward none and charity for all”—we stood taller together as one.

In the 20th century, when totalitarian ideologues around the world conflated patriotism with hate and equality with tyranny, America rescued most of the world from them.

For two centuries, every generation of global elites looked down on American freedom—and ended up looking up at our success.

Today, the elites promote globalism. They say they want us to become “citizens of the world,” but in truth, they want us to be their subjects.

When our Founders invoked the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” in the Declaration of Independence, they were talking about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Churchill's call to "duty" is visiting us today.


Every value America represents is under attack.

This is a summary of Roberts' article:

Faith: A majority of Americans today seldom or never attend religious services. Prayer and the Bible are banned in schools, but pornography is permitted. Churches are threatened with bankruptcy if they don’t endorse same-sex marriage. Antisemitic and anti-Christian crime is on the rise. Corporations that mock Christianity, like the Los Angeles Dodgers, are held up as heroic, while children are suspended from public schools for T-shirts that say, “There are only two genders.”

Democracy? Ask yourself: Does it feel like the federal government works for you, or is it the other way around? A close look at our justice system offers an uncomfortable answer. The Left is at war with the truth: about unborn babies, about the differences between boys and girls, about climate change, about masks and school closures, and about the origins of COVID-19.

Separation of powers: Today, all our powerful institutions have joined together in one uni-party cabal. The media, the academy, big tech, big business, and big government surveil us, censor us, manipulate us, prosecute us, doxx us, and cancel us. 

The Rule of Law: Look at the border, where fentanyl and criminals pour into our country. Look at our crime-ridden city streets as district attorneys refuse to put criminals behind bars. You may have heard: IRS agents showed up unannounced at the home of a journalist the day he testified before Congress on the weaponization of the government. The White House ordered the FBI to investigate moms and dads protesting corrupt school boards as “domestic terrorists.”

Like they have for 238 years, elites today fear American independence, freedom, and heritage. 

They don’t want our children to inherit liberty and truth because then they can’t be ruled. They can’t be bullied. They can’t be intimidated, gaslighted, or oppressed. This is why so much of their assault is aimed at our education system. The Marxists’ “long march through the institutions” in America has been working.

This is the time. This is the generation that must answer Churchill's call for "duty" whether we like it or not.

This is the time. This is the election we cannot squander.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Engaged. Be Bold. Be Courageous. Be Prayerful.