Thursday, January 30, 2025

Pope Francis Says Trump Is Not Christian

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On January 20,  Pope Francis told a European TV audience that "Donald Trump's plans to deport illegal migrants from the US would be a 'disgrace' if they materialize.

"That's not right. That's not how you solve problems," he said.

In 2016, before the first presidential election won by Trump, Pope Francis said, "A person who thinks only about building walls... and not of building bridges, is not Christian."

Referring to Trump's promise to build a wall on the Mexican border to keep migrants from traveling into the US, Francis said: "I say only that this man is not Christian if he has said things like that." 

Is building a wall to secure our borders "Christian?"

Is deporting illegal aliens, some of whom are violent criminals, "Christian?"

Be informed, not misled.

Before the US presidential election in 2024, the BBC reported that the Pope declined to say whether people should vote for Trump or for his Democratic opponent Kamala Harris, merely urging people to choose "the lesser evil" according to their conscience.

During the recent TV appearance, Francis also touched on the issue of migration to Europe, saying there was "a lot of cruelty" and that everyone had "the right to remain home and the right to emigrate."

The so-called Christian Left and the progressive Left in America agree with the Pope.

What does the Bible say about what President Trump is doing?

Everyone believes in secure borders.

Frank Turek once said, "Do you have locks on your doors? How about on your car? Got a fence so your kids can play safely? Do you have passwords on your computers? How about your bank accounts? Do you protect your credit card numbers? Your social security number? How about your medical records? Do you think curbs, guardrails, and traffic lines are a good idea, or should people be able to drive anywhere they want?"

Everyone believes in secure borders.

They're necessary because human nature is bent toward evil because of the fall of man---all have sinned.

Our Founders understood that truth, and so must we.

The issue has been politicized, resulting in a great divide in America's thinking on the subject. And, of course, there is the matter of the public being deceived by those who, themselves, have been deceived.

Commonsense shows everyone really believes in secure borders.

Contrary to the narrative of the media and the religious Left, Scripture actually condones, not condemns, secure borders.

While it may sound compassionate and be a great fundraising issue or a helpful political talking point, open borders always lead to disastrous results. Look at where we are today because of Joe Biden, George Soros, the Pope, and the so-called Christian Left.

More importantly, let's look at Scripture.

Genesis 11 gives the account of God Himself affirming borders and scattering people according to language into defined nations.

Moses respected the border of Edom (Numbers 20:17-21), Jesus acknowledged that nations need to be reached with the gospel (Matt. 28:17-20), and Paul wrote that God intends nations to have legitimate rulers (Romans 13).

Walls gave peace and security in the Old Testament world. People built walls around cities to protect themselves from thieves, murderers, and other criminals, as well as from foreign invaders who would seek to invade the city.

Psalm 122:7, "Peace be within your walls and security within your towers."

The Lord Himself actually "strengthened the gates in the walls so they would protect the children and the peace of the city."

Psalm 147:12-14:

"Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion! For He strengthens the bars of your gates; he blesses your children within you. He makes peace in your borders; He fills you with the finest of the wheat."

When God's people strayed from Him, He brought judgment in the form of Babylonian invaders who broke down and destroyed the city walls (2 Chronicles 36:19; Jeremiah 52:14).

God's judgment removed the walls. As long as the wall around Jerusalem was broken down, it was a mark of shame. Nehemiah 1:3 says, "The remnant ...who had survived the exile was in great trouble and shame. The wall is broken down, and its gates are destroyed by fire."

Proverbs 25: 28: "A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls." The implication is that such a man and such a city or nation are both headed for destruction.

Even the City the Apostle John sees in his vision of the New Jerusalem, the great city coming down from God, includes a wall. It has a great high wall with 12 gates, and at the gates, 12 angels (Rev. 21:12).

Walls and secure borders are biblical because they help create safety and help prevent anarchy.

God is not the author of confusion.

However, the so-called "religious Left," Joe Biden, George Soros, and the Pope do advocate for confusion. 

The religious left continuously tells people that the Bible tells us to care for the sojourner.

When the Bible says, "Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt," (Deut. 10:19), these sojourners or resident foreigners (the Hebrew word is "ger") were people who had entered the country "legally" with the permission and knowledge of the country that had admitted them. A foreigner who had entered a country illegally and did not have recognized standing as a resident alien was not considered a sojourner, but simply a "foreigner."

A lot of far-Left progressive "Christian" voices have been calling on all Christians to come together in opposition to secure borders with an effective wall while condemning anyone who believes otherwise as "non-compassionate."

Consider this.

A secure border wall will be the best way to keep children together with their parents. It's an act of compassion as well as national preservation.

Under the present system, foreign families who enter the US illegally and are caught, then claim asylum, are then released (catch and release) into the country on the promise that the person or family will return for a court hearing on some distant date, which very few do.  

While the Trump administration is rounding up these illegals and trying to reunite parents and children---something neither Obama nor Biden did not do and the press did not report or express any moral outrage over, there is a need for an ongoing policy under the current status of a nonsecure border.

The Objection: We are a nation founded by immigrants.

Not really. We are a nation founded by "settlers."

We are a nation built on immigration but not founded upon it.

America has a legacy of open arms to immigrants. My family, and most likely yours, came here from somewhere else. And they embraced the rules, took the test, and became citizens.

And over time, they assimilated into our culture. They became "Americans."

In recent years, multi-culturalism, a creation of far-Left cultural Marxism ideology, has bent immigrants away from becoming an "American" and more toward retaining their former culture and language while reaping the benefits of a blessed and prosperous America. And the progressives have feverishly worked to conform our country and culture to the various cultures rather than preserving our own.

If we open our borders as Obama and Biden have done, conservative estimates say at least half the world's population would likely try to come to America. We were well on our way before Trump was reelected.

A quick look at Europe- the world's progressive utopia- shows the results of open borders. They are fighting for their cultural life and their physical life in many cases.

And let's get real. America is the prize. Millions have flooded into Germany and England and France, and hundreds of millions are and want to flood into America.

An open borders society is a path to destruction.

Building a wall with well-regulated gates declares that while we welcome immigrants, we --not they---are going to decide which ones and how many.

The Bible views border walls as a morally good thing, something for which to thank God. Walls on borders are a major deterrent to evil, and they provide clear, visible evidence that a city or nation has control over who enters it, something absolutely essential if a government is going to prevent a nation from devolving into more and more anarchy.

Trump is doing the right thing. He deserves our prayers and support.

Our sovereign nation depends on it. It's the right thing to do.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.