Friday, April 29, 2016

Permit Required to Talk About Jesus

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North Carolina State University is requiring Christian students to obtain a permit before talking about Jesus on campus.

Although the Christians have followed school policy and obtained a permit, the school continues to censor and silence the group, while allowing other, non-Christian groups, to function without restraint.

A lawsuit has been filed.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Former Islamist: "Must Change Terrorists Ideology and Theology"

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Former Islamic radical Ed Husain told the European Parliament this week at their meeting in Brussels: "Muslims are radicalized not because of Islamophobia, but because of an ideology and theology that must be uprooted if the growing problem is to be addressed."

"They must moderate their beliefs," he told the European leaders, "if we are to control this global surge of extremism."

Husain, a former Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow, now a senior advisor to the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, told the leaders we must "be honest about the nature of the problem."

Ed Husain, a practicing Muslim, was given a standing ovation.

Please read all my comments before drawing a conclusion.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Targeting Target

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On April 19, Target stores published a statement which reiterated their commitment to the homosexual agenda---specifically giving "gender confused" people the right to use the bathroom they most identify with at the moment.

Target said we want all guests (customers)... "to feel accepted, respected and welcomed in in our stores..."

"Everyone deserves to feel they belong. And you'll always be accepted, respected and welcomed at Target," they said.

Everyone? If so, at what personal risk?

American Family Association says it's time to target Target.

Typically I'm not a fan of random boycotts.

And an update on the primary elections held yesterday.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

"Vote Early--Vote Often"

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Most agree it was infamous criminal Al Capone who first used the phrase in Chicago: "Vote Early, Vote Often."

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe has taken Capone's concept to a new level.

By executive order, he has restored voting rights for over 200,000 felons in his state---effective for the upcoming November presidential election.

He says his act is "the essence of our democracy."

Others are saying it is a "bald-faced political move" to help elect Hillary. And get Terry a job in a Clinton administration.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Michelle Obama Blasts Religious Freedom in US While Husband Lectures Europe

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Michelle Obama used her commencement speech at Jackson State University in Mississippi Saturday to blast the state's recently passed religious freedom bill.

"We see it right here in Mississippi---just two weeks ago---how swiftly progress can hurtle backward," she told the audience.

As she lectured Mississippi, her husband was lecturing Europe with the same "progressive" homosexual friendly, anti-freedom, anti-American talking points.

The Obama's made this weekend a billboard for what the progressive Left is really about.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Earth Day: "Bigger Than A Single Day"

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Today is "Earth Day."

But what does that mean?

The official Earth Day Network website says, " 'Earth Day' is more than just a single day---April 22, 2016. It's bigger than attending a rally and taking a stand."

"It's a movement that continues to inspire, challenge, ignite passion and motivate, " the leaders say.
Although they say their goal is to plant 7.8 billion trees, the movement sounds a lot like some kind of religious movement.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

NBC Blasphemes God--Pat Boone Sets the Record Straight

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Last Saturday, NBC's "Saturday Night Live" did a so-called "parody" on the new film, "God's Not Dead 2."

When asked about the "parody," Pat Boone, who is in the film, told the "Hollywood Reporter" the SNL skit was "anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, cowardly, demonic, and diabolic" and "had they done that to Muslims, they'd have to be put into the witness protection program."

He's right. The SNL/NBC parody was that bad.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

School to Shut Down "Jesus Lunch"---Off Campus

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Each Tuesday during their lunch break, hundreds of high school kids attend a parent-led luncheon---off campus.

The school district is attempting to shut it down because it includes a couple of Christian worship choruses and some inspirational Christian discussion.

The school says the lunch---which has become known as the "Jesus Lunch," does not properly follow district rules.

But it's off campus---at the park. How can the school be "establishing a religion or endorsing one" when its not on school property---and parents of students are supervising it?

As politicians often say when breaking promises to the voters: "It's complicated--you wouldn't understand."

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Letter to CEOs: "Please Back Off Assault On Religious Freedom"

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North Carolina, Georgia and Mississippi have been in the news recently because of their attempt to protect religious freedom.

North Carolina and Mississippi Governors seem to be standing firm behind religious freedom legislation---however, Georgia's governor caved to the threats from some of America's biggest and most visible corporations who oppose the religious freedom legislation.

Now, a large number of state legislators from various states are looking the threats in the eye---they have signed a letter asking the corporations---representing interests from sports to Hollywood entertainment--- to reconsider their opposition to religious freedom legislation.

Has your legislator signed the letter? If not, you may want to ask why.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Corruption: Saudis Blackmail America Over 9/11

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It has been said, "Government is a band of hypnotists that hate people who open their eyes during the session."

Since 9/11, a 28-page document has been sealed in a vault in the basement of the US Capital.

Many feel in shows how deep Saudi Arabia was involved in the 9/11 attacks on America.

Congress is considering a bill that will allow 9/11 victims and their families to sue the Saudis for their support of the attack.

The Saudis say if Congress passes the bill, they will sell off $750 billion they hold in US assets, which will be a major blow to our economy.

Obama is lobbying hard against the bill ahead of his visit to Saudi Arabia day after tomorrow.

People "are" opening their eyes, and we may be very near to seeing just how deep runs the corruption and cover up.

And yes, I'm aware this involves both Democrat and Republican leaders.

Friday, April 15, 2016

LGBTQ Loves Historic Church To Death

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Denver's St. Paul United Methodist Church was among the first to join the LGBTQ "Reconciling Ministries Network."

Founded in 1860 by evangelical Methodists, St. Paul's has become a leader in "welcoming" and "accepting" homosexuality and transgenderism.

Now, after 30 years of being "inclusive," it appears the LGBTQ community has loved the historic church to death.

The lesson of a lost vision.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Bibles Removed From Military "Missing Man" Tributes

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Atheists are demanding Bibles be removed from military displays honoring prisoners of war and those missing in action.

The inclusion of the Bible, in the mind of the atheist---and the intimidated fearful officials---is a violation of federal law.

It's been happening for the past 2 years.

I've written about it---you've likely heard about it.

What you may not have heard is that a group of conservative organizations are preparing to do battle against the war on the Bible.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Discrimination: "A Game Of Words?"

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Mainstream media and journalists are bashing the states that attempt to protect religious freedom---and the politicians and citizens who support the effort.

Mississippi and North Carolina are currently in the cross hairs of the media.

The media and the secular progressive movement view their cause as noble---even righteous---while they view the belief of those who protect religious freedom as evil, calling it "state-sanctioned discrimination."

Are these two views equally rooted in deeply held convictions---or is one merely a game of words?

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Bible on "Most Challenged" List at Public Libraries

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The Associated Press reported yesterday that the Office for Intellectual Freedom for the American Library Association has published their list of most objected books.

AP says, "On the latest list of books most objected to at public schools and libraries, one title has been targeted nationwide, at times for sex and violence it contains, but mostly for the legal issues it raises."

That would be God's Word---the Bible.

Other's listed as objectionable are "Fifty Shades of Grey" and "I Am Jazz"-a transgender picture book.

Here's how books get on the "most objected list."

Monday, April 11, 2016

Religious Liberty Seen As "Evil Virus" Spreading Around The US

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Bruce Springsteen canceled his sold out concert yesterday in North Carolina because of the state's new religious liberty legislation.

Guitarist Steve Van Zant explained that kind of legislation is "like an evil virus spreading around the US."

Springsteen says he and his band looked at other options, but in the end have to stand for what they believe, otherwise, he would have just been "playing into their hands" and "that's not going to hurt them enough---you need to hurt them economically."

Who are "they?"

The Christians.

And it's not only Bruce and his E Street Band, but companies from Marriott to PayPal who are trying to "hurt them enough."

Friday, April 08, 2016

The GOP and their Shenanigans

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A "contested convention" seems to be the universal goal of the GOP---and some are asking whether even Hillary herself will be "contested" come convention time for the Democrats.

However, the GOP stands (or stumbles) in chaos.

After Tuesday night's Wisconsin primary election returns, the pundits beat their chest and declared April 5 as the "turning point" in the presidential race.

This is the 8th documented time the "experts" have anointed a certain day as "the turning point."

This election is about much more than political "turning points" and politics as usual.

Have there been so-called contested political conventions before? What happened?

And what's the solution to the current GOP problem that is tearing at the fabric of the GOP, the Christian community, and even families?

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Actor Kevin Sorbo: "Hollywood Bashes Christians"

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Actor Kevin Sorbo, who played Professor Radisson in "God's Not Dead," Hercules in "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys," Captain Dylan Hunt in "Andromeda," and Kull in "Kull the Conqueror," says "there's a lot of bashing of Christians going on in Hollywood."

He would know. He is a committed Christian and has been successful in Hollywood for a long time.

He also says he sees some encouraging signs: Christians are becoming bolder and more visible in Hollywood---regardless of the consequences, and Christian films are significantly better written and produced and are impacting a much wider audience with the message.

As Christians get bashed for going public in Hollywood, NBC has introduced yet another program that bashes Christians, and this time seems to question the masculinity of Jesus Himself.

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Hillary Calls "Unborn Child" A Person

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Secular Progressivism gets confusing.

Hillary was confused last Sunday when she told NBC's "Meet The Press," "The unborn person doesn't have rights."

The New York Times reported because of her remarks, she "faced criticism from both sides of the abortion debate."

That's putting it mildly---some Planned Parenthood leaders were livid, while pro-life leaders said, "I told you so. She knows the unborn is a 'person'---and yes they do have rights---they have the right to life."

Actually, America was founded on the fact that all persons have the God-given right to "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Is the secular progressive Left that callous, or simply that confused?

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Preschooler Expelled Over "Gender" Education

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The Denver Post is reporting, "A 4-year old Aurora girl was kicked out of pre-school last month when her parents raised questions about books read in class, including ones that told the stories about same-sex couples..."

The parents' concerns were increased when the school administrators told them why it would not be possible to "opt" their child out of that kind of teaching.

Monday, April 04, 2016

Hillary's "Methodism" Would Shock The Wesley Brothers

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Religion is important in America.

Each presidential election reveals just how important it is.

Hillary loves to say, "I'm just an old-fashioned Methodist." John and Charles Wesley, founders of the Methodist church, would be shocked.

Her involvement in New Age, spiritism, clairaudient channeling of Eleanor Roosevelt, Gandhi and others is hardly the Methodism of the Wesley brothers.

Nor would they have approved of Hillary's embrace of Marianne Williamson's "Course in Miracles"---the text for New Age followers.

Hillary's recent history of religious practice more strongly embraces New Age mysticism merged with the teaching of former University of Washington Professor Michael Lerner, rabbi, Marxist and founder of the radical "Seattle Liberation Front" and the infamous "Seattle Seven."

Friday, April 01, 2016

City Out Of Water--Saved By Baptist Church

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The city was on a sustained growth pattern and was becoming unable to meet the demands for water--they needed a place on high ground to build the new 1,000,000 gallon water tower.

However, the high ground was owned by First Baptist Church.

The city made a deal.

The atheists are angry. Very angry.