Thursday, July 31, 2014

IRS' Lerner Calls Conservatives "***holes" and "teRrorists" (sic)

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Now we know why Lois Lerner pled the 5th when she appeared before the House Committee investigating her targeting of tea party and other conservative groups. We probably now better know why her hard drive became "corrupted" and needed to be destroyed.

We learned yesterday that in an email on November 9, 2012, she suggests that conservatives will ruin the country.

"So we don't need to worry about alien teRrorists (sic). Its our own crazies that will take us down," she wrote, referring to conservatives as "***holes."

We have also learned why the president was initially "outraged" and "angry" in May of 2013 after he saw the evidence, and we are wondering why he then told Fox News' Bill O'Reilly in February of 2014 there was not even a "smidgen" of corruption in the IRS.

Did the corruption all go away with the hard drives?

House Ways and Means Committee Chair Rep. David Camp sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder yesterday referencing these matters, asking for action.

This is "progressivism" at its finest.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

NBA Star Jeremy Lin Found On Skid Row In LA

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Shortly after receiving his Los Angeles Lakers team jersey, Jeremy Lin, well known NBA star and committed Christian, was found by the media on skid row in LA.

The Los Angeles Times and other news organizations are now reporting what Lin was doing on skid row.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler's Miracle Baby

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US Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) received a standing ovation from Congress as her baby girl was introduced to Jaime's colleagues, in celebration of the child's first birthday.

It's a miracle.

Not long after Jamie's pregnancy, doctors had said there was "zero chance" the baby will live because her condition was 100% fatal.

The unborn child was diagnosed with Potter's Syndrome and no child had ever survived that diagnosis.

They told Jaime and her husband Dan that Jaime would likely miscarry the baby, but if she didn't, the child would die following its birth.

The Beutlers chose life, feeling that the Lord had spoken to their hearts.

The child, Abigail Rose Beutler, was born July 15, 2013.

Here's the profile of the miracle.

Monday, July 28, 2014

IRS Makes Promise To Atheist Group To Investigate...

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The Internal Revenue Service has promised the atheist organization "Freedom From Religion Foundation" they will investigate certain churches.

FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor says, "This is a victory, and we're pleased with this development..."

Friday, July 25, 2014

Newspaper Editor Fired For Criticizing "Gay" Bible

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We are used to newspaper editors editorializing.

Newspapers across the country are engaged in endorsing everything from their favorite political candidates to legislation to movies that promote their particular beliefs.

We call it freedom of the press.

Bob Eschliman is a veteran news editor who has won 70 journalism awards, 7 of them as editor in chief of the Newton Daily News.

Bob is also a Christian and believes the Bible.

The Newton Daily News has fired him because he criticized the revised and homosexual friendly, "Queen James Bible."

The criticism was not published in the newspaper, it was written on a blog on his personal website. One that the newspaper was well aware of and did not oppose when they hired him.

But what if it had been in the publication? How many "editorials" have you seen mocking those who stand for traditional marriage or the sanctity of life? Or opposing political candidates who hold traditional values?

Eschliman has now filed formal charges against the Newton Daily News and its parent company Shaw Media, claiming they violated his First Amendment rights and his right to religious expression.

The newspaper is saying, "The First Amendment does not eliminate responsibility and accountability for one's words."

What were his "words?"

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Looking For A Job? Self Identifying As "Religious" Lowers Your Chances

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You are 26% less likely to get the job if your resume indicates you are religious.

That's stunning, given the fact that this nation was founded by Christians upon Christian values and principles. Our freedoms and rights in America are recognized in our Founding Documents as being from our "Creator."

Why can't I be religious and get the job?

Sociologists at the University of Connecticut sent out 3200 fake resumes of fictitious recent college graduates that either listed participation in a campus ministry or a non-religious club.

Then they recorded which resumes received responses, and what kind of responses were received from employers.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

First Lady Declares War On Chick-fil-A

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Mrs. Obama's Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 is forcing a high school to remove Chick-fil-A sandwiches at school. Kids are already upset at the new restrictive diet imposed by the "Kids Act"---this won't help the matter.

The principal says of the Chick-fil-A sandwiches, "They don't meet the standards...We're struggling with it."

Apparently the Obama's are not "struggling with it" so much.

They may not be eating Chick-fil-A, but at an event at the White House last week we learned they, too, are eating stuff that "don't meet the standards." And joking about it.

But first I want you to be aware of a new Rasmuessen Poll published yesterday that finds "Voters See A More Divided Nation; GOPers More enthusiastic To Vote." Among the findings--Lowest number ever believe "their" member of Congress deserves reelection. I strongly recommend you glance at it.

Now. more about healthy eating habits and the First Family.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

President Bows To Homosexual Pressure

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Yesterday President Obama signed an executive order that expands lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender "rights" without any corresponding exemptions for religious organizations.

This move comes after the White House failed to move the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) through Congress.

The House of Representatives refused to pass it.

LGBT organizations have been increasing their demands for the president to further act on their agenda.

Yesterday he bowed.

How does this action affect Christian relief organizations that contract with our government to carry out relief efforts in world disasters?

Ironically, as the President was signing the homosexual order that could have a real impact on those Christian organizations who do important humanitarian and relief work around the world, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) came out with a broad based, first ever report detailing how many people the homosexual advocacy organizations actually represent in America.

The actual number of homosexuals is very different than we have been led to believe.

It exposes a significant deception.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Bill Gates Developing Birth Control Microchip

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After a 30-minute installation procedure, the newly developed microchip can remotely control the release of abortion inducing hormones into the woman's body for up to 16 years.

The development of the magic microchip is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and is being marketed as "social justice" for Third World Countries, with the understanding that women in First World countries will line up to get the microchip for their own computer regulated birth control.

They are saying the "chip" will be available by 2015.

While some are hailing it as secular progressive's finest moment, others are expressing great concern.

And biblical Christians who are aware of the implication of "marks" or chips in or on the body to be used for exchange or commerce---the Mark of the Beast--- are particularly interested in this so-called "progress."

Friday, July 18, 2014

Comic Character Archie Dies For Homosexual Friend

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Wednesday, Archie Comics released a new episode in which comic character Archie Andrews, of "Life With Archie," dies after being shot while protecting his homosexual friend Kevin Keller, who was introduced to the series a couple of years ago as the first openly homosexual character.

The CEO of the publishing company that produces the "Archie" series says the way in which Archie dies was very carefully chosen.

I have no doubt it was.

This newest episode is an indoctrination piece intended to further normalize homosexual behavior, elevate and celebrate those who advance it as normal, and advance the anti-gun campaign of the far left.

Parents beware. And be vigilant. While the publisher claims this series is for an adult audience, it is carefully crafted to appeal to young kids. And it does.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

On The Ballot: California To Become 6 States?

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Could it be?

Of course not. Right?

KABC 7 in Los Angeles asks, "Is California simply to big to govern itself effectively?"

Tim Draper, a billionaire tech entrepreneur, wants to see California split into 6 separate states, 1.3 million citizens have signed on with his proposal.

It appears it will be on the ballot.

He says he will have at least 1.3 million signatures from registered voters delivered to the State Elections Office in Sacramento by tomorrow---well over the amount required to place his idea on the 2016 ballot.

A strong push back from the left has already begun, and the press has already begun reporting the push back. And they will continue to do so.

This is not a liberal progressive's idea of a good idea.

Why are progressive liberals taking Draper so seriously?

Draper, a fiscal conservative and resident of Silicon Valley, is a financial heavy weight and is quite well known among the 38 million people who now live in California.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

WH: "We've Substantially Improved Global Tranquility"

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The White House reported yesterday that the Obama policies have "substantially improved global tranquility."

Even the most cynical reporters in the press briefing were stunned.

Eyebrows were raised.

Meanwhile, Senator Jeff Sessions has sent a letter to all 535 members of Congress, identifying how the President plans to circumvent Congress and legalize millions of illegal adults through executive power.

"That" Sen. Sessions, who is the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, said, "it could destroy the American Republic as we know it."

Sessions letter is a detailed account of how the president is moving to legalize millions of illegal aliens---without approval from Congress.

Many are asking what is the biblical position regarding secure national borders and amnesty?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Salem Mass. Evicts Christian College

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Salem, Massachusetts has terminated its relationship and contract with Gordon College---a Christian College, over the institution's belief about homosexuality.

The Mayor of Salem has announced that the city's contract with Gordon for usage of the historic Old Town Hall has been immediately terminated.

There is some irony in this witch hunt to evict Christians from the public square in Salem, Massachusetts of all places.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Benham Brothers To Christians: "Don't Back Down"

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Remember when HGTV canceled the Benham Brothers premiere TV show last month because the twin brothers hold biblical beliefs?

Both believe in the sanctity of life---not abortion, and natural biblical marriage---not so-called same-sex "marriage."

After months of promotion and commitments to both the brothers and people who had purchased "fixer upper" homes that were to be renovated and resold on the Benham brother's show, HGTV announced they were "backing out"---and walked away.

I wrote about it at the time. 

Wait until you hear the back story, or as Paul Harvey used to say---"the rest of the story."

Friday, July 11, 2014

Patty Murray's Bill Puts Free Abortion Pills Above Religious Freedom

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Washington State's Senator Patty Murray has introduced a bill that places abortion pills above religious freedom and freedom of conscience.

When the Supreme Court ruled a couple of weeks ago in favor of religious freedom in the Hobby Lobby case, Murray told the Seattle press "if Congress won't fix this, I will."

Well, the fix is in.

She has authored a new legislation that is designed to override the Supreme Court ruling.

The Seattle Times is casting her effort as being in sync with Chief Justice Robert's suggestion in the ruling and is, as expected, championing her as a true hero, attempting to fight discrimination and restore free abortion pills to women.

But not all agree with Murray or the Seattle Times.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Border Crises: Feds Reject God and the People

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Where will it all end?

Yesterday we learned that our federal government is refusing help from Christians in the border cities where they are processing the migrant kids and placing them in communities across the country.

Local pastors offering blankets, clothing etc., for the kids in the detention facilities are being flatly told "no." Stay away!

The pastors are stunned and so are people across the country as they become aware of our government's position and actions.

The Fed's response not only stands in stark contrast to our national religious tradition of humanitarian expression toward those in need, but it reflects the anti-Christian bias of this present administration.

Please don't tell me this is merely separation of church and state operating as it was intended.

Only last week we learned that a US Representative, elected by the people as their representative, was denied access to these facilities in his own state.

Now local pastors and congregations are being given the same message.

This administration is saying "no" to both God and the people.

This is indeed becoming a "Tale of Two Cities," or in this case "two countries."

Our government's rejection of Christian charity comes at a time when a recent Gallup survey is showing that a growing number of people believe that religion does, indeed, answer the problems in one's life.

And the New York Times has published an article that is suggesting today's teenagers may well grow up conservative as a result of what they are seeing take place in the culture and in this administration.

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Drugs Pouring Over the Border While Agents Babysit-- and the World Burns

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Photos obtained over the weekend show professional, organized and skilled drug smugglers carrying 50-pound backpacks of drugs over the border and no one is even challenging them.

There's no challenge because Border Patrol agents have been reassigned to domestic tasks and babysitting in the processing centers where thousands of kids from Central America continue to pour over our borders.

All this while the president, whose policies have created the catastrophe, conducts 3 fundraisers in Texas while failing to even visit the border.

One of the three fundraisers features a far left film producer who advocates amnesty, while mocking immigration laws in his films.

And the greatest nation on earth continues to drift off course for lack of leadership and the loss of a moral compass.

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Tuberculosis Spreading In Immigration Camps? Congressman Barred From Entering

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Why was a US Congressman barred from entering a federal detention camp for illegal immigrants---mostly teenagers, in a state he has been elected to represent?

While we celebrated our freedom and Independence from the King of England, our government refused to allow a representative elected by the people to visit a detention center where thousands of kids are being held and processed in his own state.

It wasn't surprising that illegals and amnesty activists were carrying signs this weekend telling the white guys in Murrieta, Texas to "Go Back To Europe," but this is too much.

Is our government so caught up in removing our borders in the remaking of America that they are once again defying the laws of the land?

Or are they once again trying to hide something. Another cover up?

Are the thousands of illegal immigrant kids housed in detention facilities happy and fed, as HHS is telling us, or are the kids living in disease infested compounds shrouded in secrecy?

Something is very, very wrong in the land of the free.

Monday, July 07, 2014

Google Bans Porn

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Google, Inc. has changed its policy regarding pornography and this week is formally informing its advertising partners of the change.

Google is saying any ads peddling adult entertainment will not appear on its advertising networks.

No more "sexually explicit content," they say.

What do they consider "sexually explicit" and why the change of heart and mind?

Friday, July 04, 2014

Obtaining A Lasting Liberty

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From the beginning, the first Americans knew that lasting liberty could only exist on a sure foundation.

On November 11, 1620 the Mayflower Compact was penned, beginning with these words: "In the name of God, Amen. Having undertaken, for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith..."

A prayer documented on July 4, 1776 by the Continental Congress began, "Lord God Almighty...Grant, we beseech Thee, that we and all the peoples of this land may have the grace to maintain these liberties..."

And it was John Adams who reminded us all, "Statesman, my dear Sir, may plan for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which Freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our people in a greater measure that they have it now, they may change their rulers and the forms of government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty."

Have a wonderful day with family and friends. Celebrate the greatest, most blessed and most free country in the history of the world.

And let us never forget the foundation upon which we obtain a lasting liberty.

Be Blessed.

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Freedom Rising

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Make no mistake, the Supreme Court decision this week regarding religious freedom was about much more than 2 family owned companies and abortion pills.

It was about freedom.

It was about conscience.

Those two companies deserved that ruling under the law and America needed the ruling as a breath of fresh air as we labor under the repressive hand of the secular progressives presently in power.

A recent Gallup poll found that fewer people feel satisfied with the freedom in their lives than have since Gallup began tracking the freedom metric in 2006.

Here's why I believe the cause for freedom is beginning to rise and freedom is beginning to ring.

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Is this President Faithful to the Constitution? Why it Matters.

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It seems our president's main message lately is "If Congress won't do what I want, I'll do it myself---I'll go it alone."

Forget the Constitution.

Not everyone disagrees with that tactic. In fact, about 30% of Americans believe he should circumvent Congress to move his global warming agenda forward. Some in America today feel we should dispose of the Constitution altogether.

There has been little restraint by this president in advancing the so-called "homosexual rights" agenda both here in our country and around the world.

Planned Parenthood and its founder eugenicist Margaret Sanger never had a truer friend in the White House.

There is nothing this president won't do for the abortion industry and the homosexual community.

But in his exuberance to advance this far left progressive agenda, is he overstepping his authority and violating the Constitution? And does it matter beyond the politics of it all?

Apparently it matters to the courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States. The courts have repeatedly ruled that the president is overstepping his authority.

Speaker of the House John Boehner says it matters to him and he plans to sue the President.

But does it matter to the American public?

Recent polls and surveys on the subject are revealing.

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

A Triumphant Victory For Religious Freedom

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While I was on the radio live yesterday morning, the US Supreme Court released their ruling in the Hobby Lobby, Conestoga Wood Specialties cases regarding whether the families who own the companies were required under law to provide contraceptives that induce abortion to their employees, thus violating their deeply held religious beliefs.

I talked with my radio audience at some length about the significance of this ruling as it was being announced publicly.

Throughout the day yesterday, elected officials weighed in with their opinions on the ruling, while the media worked with urgency trying to manage the public perception of how important this decision really is for religious freedom in America.

Every person of faith and pro-life conservative should be informed as to the importance and broader effect of this ruling. It has significant implication in regard to religious freedom and the right of conscience.

Here are some comments from those who understand the importance of the ruling and from some who are trying to control and diminish the impact of the ruling.