Monday, February 29, 2016

Saudi Court Punishes Atheists--American Court Punishes Christians

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It's ironic to say the least.

Last week a court in Saudi Arabia sentenced a man to 10 years in prison, 2000 lashes and a fine for not believing in god. (Allah) The man claims to be an atheist.

He was fortunate. Many Christians are beheaded if they refuse to convert.

In today's America, the courts regularly punish those who do believe in God if their belief is expressed publicly---florists, photographers, bakers, military personal, NASA scientists and students have been punished in relation to publicly expressing their belief in God, His Son and His Word.

Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis was thrown in jail because of her biblical belief regarding marriage.

Friday, February 26, 2016

NIKE On Christianity: "Don't Do It"

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NIKE has built a multi-billion dollar brand by putting the names of highly skilled and famous athletes on their sneakers---and other items.

NIKE has also famously and successfully marketed the slogan, "Just Do It."

However, when it comes to Christianity, NIKE is saying, "Don't Do It."

Their moral logic is not only inconsistent, but as tattered as a worn-out pair of sneakers.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Can America Be Restored?

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America the Beautiful has become, in many respects, America the Bizarre.

The law is often openly defied by the government, Christians are prosecuted as criminals, children "transition" to the opposite sex, traditional marriage, a model created by God and as old as the human race itself is "redefined," killing unwanted unborn babies is a woman's right, therefore a value, the president supports our enemies and a nation founded upon biblical Judeo-Christian values is not allowed to talk about those values publicly because of a purposefully inverted comment by Thomas Jefferson.

Can America be restored politically and culturally?

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Southern Poverty Law Center--the Biggest Bully of All

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Armed with $300 million in assets, the SPLC has become the biggest progressive bully on the playground.

And some of their bullying is "guilt by association" rather than fact based.

Their newly released annual report, "The Year in Hate and Extremism," features a collage cover with pictures of Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Dr. Carson, Huckabee, columnist Ann Coulter, a Nazi Swastika, Center for National Security President Frank Gaffney, the Confederate flag, a masked terrorist, the Islamist San Bernardino murders, and other images of "hate and extremism."

They report "hate and extremism" rose by 14% in 2015.

No one would care what they say except the US Justice Department and other government agencies---and some deranged activists, look to them to identify "hate groups" in America.

The media consistently quotes their reports as an objective news source.

That makes them matter.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

5 Things To Consider Before You Vote

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This presidential election has created many voices---some call it "much noise," regarding whom we should vote for.

Millions of Christians are considering how God would have them vote. Some are considering "whether" they will vote.

I believe every Christian has a biblical responsibility to vote. Much has been given to us by God. Much is required.

God's Word is the only Truth that has been true, is true today and will be true eternally.

Dr. Ronnie Floyd, himself a pastor, also serves as president of the 46,000 Southern Baptist churches in America. These churches have 15.7 million members---the largest Protestant denomination in the country.

He has written a personal message to the pastors, among them some very well known pastors such as Charles Stanley, David Jeremiah, Robert Jeffress, Mike Huckabee (former) and others, regarding how evangelicals must approach this election.

The message is also intended for their church's more than 15 million members---and to all evangelicals in America.

Bottom line: Evangelicals can easily choose the next president---if we vote.

Monday, February 22, 2016

The Great Contest

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The last Republican vote count from South Carolina was published at 9:00 PM last night.

trump sc 100

It has been called "The Great Contest" by the pundits because everything they knew about the election process in America isn't so anymore. And everything is on the line in this election.

Most Americans do not need a political pundit to tell them this election is very, very different and its importance can not be overstated.

It's different because it's about more than politics. In an emotionally charged electorate, there is anger, fear and, among Republicans, a sense of betrayal by their political party.

There is in our nation an awakening to a profound sense of hopelessness---and a growing sense among biblical Christians that "we better get this election right."

Friday, February 19, 2016

Replacing Justice Scalia

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As the body of Justice Scalia is laid to rest tomorrow, President Obama says he will skip the funeral, but, he says, the Constitution provides he move in a "timely way to replace him."

Republican Senate leadership promise they will not allow this president's nominee a vote, deferring to the next president to replace Scalia on the highest court in the land.

President Obama is warning the Republicans not to "play politics" by delaying the replacement---yet he, himself, as a US Senator filibustered against the nominee, now Justice, Samuel Alito.

President Obama's promise to fundamentally "remake America" will only be complete if he is allowed to seat Justic Scalia's replacement, thus ensuring a Left leaning activist Supreme Court.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Stomping on the Flag: "An Expression of Freedom?"

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It's the picture you have probably already seen---or at least heard about.

A kid pictured in his high school classroom stomping on the US flag, a girl standing next to him with her middle finger raised toward the camera.

Following the strong negative public reaction, the parents and child are apologizing, the school is promising to "look into the matter" and the ACLU is defending it, and threatening the school.

Only in America.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Hillary's Hypocrisy

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Hillary told NBC, "I want to have a much more transparent government...I want to have as much information about the way our government operates on the Internet so the people who pay for it, the taxpayers of America, can see that."

An article in the New York Times, usually an unfailing friend of Hillary's, calls her lack of "transparency" alarming---"difficult to conceive."

An exclusive report out yesterday reveals the depth of Hillary's Hypocrisy.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Jeb: Scalia's Replacement "Not Really Important"

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While secular progressives celebrated Supreme Court Justice Scalia's death, Christians and conservatives prayed that our elected officials will have enough courage to defeat President Obama's far Left Progressive Supreme Court nomination that is soon to come.

There is little ambivalence on the matter because so very much hangs in the balance.

Little ambivalence that is, except with Jeb Bush.

When CNN asked him about it all Sunday morning, the man who wants be president said, "It's really not important to me."

Monday, February 15, 2016

President's Day and the Death of Justice Scalia

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Today is President's Day.

Today is a federal holiday to remember all our presidents, specifically George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

As we reflect on the impact Washington and Lincoln had on American and world history, we are profoundly reminded of the importance of this office---the most powerful office in the world.

As we reflect on the unexpected death of conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia this weekend, we are further reminded of the importance of this office in that the President of the United States appoints the Justices---which fortunately must be approved by Congress.

President Obama says he will appoint Scalia's replacement before he completes his term as president.

Many, on this President's Day, still feel the sting of Saturday night's so-called GOP debate.

CBS was despicable.

The GOP candidates, were, for the most part, disgusting.

And we have learned over the weekend, the RNC themselves stacked the audience against Trump and Cruz and for Rubio.

Friday, February 12, 2016

"God's Not Dead 2: He's Surely Alive"

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As secular progressives tirelessly attempt to push God, Christianity and Christians to the margins of our culture---Christians find creative ways to push back and turn on the light of God's Truth.

Two years after the film, "God's Not Dead," stunned the secular world by grossing $60.7 million, with a $2 million production budget, the same people are back with "God's Not Dead 2: Surely He's Alive."

The Hollywood Reporter, one of the 2 most influential industry magazines, defines the film as being about a Christian public school teacher who is taken to court for answering a student's question about the similarities of the teachings of Jesus to those of Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandi.

The film, in truth, is about a whole lot more than that.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Muslim Students Seize and Convert University Classroom to Mosque

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Muslim students at a German university have seized control of a classroom designated as a "silent room" or study room and converted it into a mosque.

They have erected a wall to segregate genders, are installing feet washing facilities and signs instructing women to "wear the veil---and do not wear perfume."

This is a profile of how multiculturalism destroys.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

NASA Says "No" to Jesus

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NASA has instructed its scientists, engineers and support teams to refrain from using the word "Jesus" in any announcements, including private announcements, that appear in the Johnson Space Center newsletter.

A NASA engineer says, "It was shocking to all of us and very frustrating."

The engineer says, "NASA has a long history of respecting religious speech, why wouldn't they allow us to put the name of Jesus in the announcements about the club?"

I will be talking about this, and yesterday's primary election results in New Hampshire on the radio live this morning at 9 AM PST and rebroadcast at 7:30 PM PST. You may join me on the ACN radio network, on your computer or iPhone from anywhere in the world.

Here's how.

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Wheaton College: Which God Do We Serve?

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Founded in 1860 as a Christian liberal arts college "in the evangelical Protestant tradition," Wheaton College is now embroiled in a debate over which god do we serve?

Tenured Wheaton Professor Larycia Hawkins has said publicly that Christians and Muslims serve the same god.

Because the school took issue with her belief, an elected 6 member faculty committee has now taken issue with the school saying she has been singled out and discrimination has taken place "on the basis of race, gender, and to a lessor extent, marital status."

Franklin Graham, whose parents Billy and Ruth met at Wheaton while both were students, says, "This is no minor issue that should be debated."

Wheaton has made their decision. It will be announced at a press conference tomorrow.

Monday, February 08, 2016

Kissing Valentine's Day (and Common Sense) "Good Bye"

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The middle school principal says he's doing away with Valentine's Day to "avoid encroaching on the educational opportunities of others and threatening a culture of tolerance and respect for all."

He also says he's banning celebration of all "dominant holidays"---"including Thanksgiving and Christmas" so the school "can strive for more cultural sensitivity..."

A spokesperson for the school says, "We're sensitive to being inclusive but do not feel these celebrations are important for building a sense of community."

The Star Tribune says, "This touches off a wider debate on school celebrations."

Indeed it does.

Friday, February 05, 2016

Obama: "Jesus is a Good Cure For Fear"

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Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast yesterday morning in Washington DC, President Obama said, "If we let it consume us, the consequences of fear can be worse than any outward threat. For me, I know for so many of you, faith is the great cure for fear."

Continuing, the president said, "Jesus is a good cure for fear."

It was Jesus Himself who once asked, "Who do men say I am?"

Being told by His followers, "Some say you are John, the Baptist, some Elijah, others Jeremiah, or one of the prophets." He asked, "But who do you say that I am?"

As the public narrative in America turns more toward faith, and it is, the question remains, "But who do you say that I am?"

The religious Left and the religious Right are weighing in on Christianity. And Jesus.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

America Wants More Religion

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A comprehensive study by Pew Research finds that America wants more religion in our public discussion---particularly by politicians.

In 2016, 40% of Americans believe politicians should talk more about religion and faith.

In 2012, the same survey found only 30% believed politicians should talk more about religion and faith.

This is a dramatic shift and it's consistent throughout the culture, even to the evaluation of current political leaders.

What's going on?

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

The President Goes to Mosque Today

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The White House says President Obama will visit the Islamic Society of Baltimore and the mosque today to "celebrate the contributions Muslim Americans make to our nation and reaffirm the importance of religious freedom to our way of life."

The WH also says, "The President believes that one of our nation's strengths is our rich diversity."

The Muslim organization CAIR says they have been "working on this visit for years."

Given the history of this mosque and the ISB, many feel the president should not go there.

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

America's Preferred City for Atheists and Progressives

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Market Watch, a company that tracks trends in the marketplace is reporting, "If you don't believe in God, you might want to move to..."

The same study shows Charlotte, NC is the most religious city in the country. The least religious may not surprise you.

One's belief about God and biblical values most often translate to how we vote.

Some thoughts on how Iowa voted yesterday.

Monday, February 01, 2016

Public High School Requires Affirmation of Islam

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Last fall Kevin and Melissa Wood learned their 11th grade daughter was being indoctrinated, then tested on Islam in her World History class.

The indoctrination included affirming, "There is no god but Allah," and learning the other Five Pillars of Islam.

Education, the progressive would say; but to a discerning parent, the tone, subject matter and focus of the exam was more than that---it was indoctrination.

When the troubled father contacted the school, things escalated with the father being banned from campus.

The father, a retired Marine, and the mother filed a law suit against the school last week, using the curriculum and the test as exhibits.

Also, I am including today an alert that gender selection in abortions is in Senate hearing tomorrow in Olympia, and I've included a wrap-up on all the political talk shows yesterday while Iowa casts the first votes today on who will become the next President of the United States.